
Cavity base in UG_NX


1. Launch UG.

2. Click %P}F96KLFFA)HZ`%9}[22TP icon, select Model and input name “Cavity base”.

3. Click icon and then click icon to input the origin as show in Figure 1, then click icon. Then edit as shown in Figure 2 and click icon.

Figure 1 Figure 2

4. Click icon and then click icon to input the origin as show in Figure 3, then click icon. Then edit as shown in Figure 4 and click icon.

Figure 3 Figure 4

5. Click icon, select the four yellow edges and edit as shown in Figure 5. Then click icon.

Figure 5

6. Click icon, and edit as shown in Figure 6, and then click icon.

Figure 6

7. Click icon, and edit as shown in Figure 7, and then click icon.

Figure 7

8. Click icon, and edit as shown in Figure 8, and then click icon.

Figure 8

9. Click icon, then select the red face as the planar placement face, and edit as shown in Figure 9, then click icon. Click icon, then select XC for perpendicular and edit as shown in Figure 10.






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