


Defining Avoid Areas for Clamps
Rough and Finish operations for 2 and 2.5 Axis features can be modified by specifying
Avoid Areas. Avoid areas can be used as a definition for clamps and large holes in the
feature where machining is to be avoided. Avoid areas can be defined from planar or non-
planar model edges and faces, as well as from sketches. Avoid Areas are considered to be
islands within the perimeter and will be machined around leaving material equal to the sum
of the Side allowance and Avoid allowance parameters.
In this exercise, you define avoid areas for the three face features to avoid machining the
1.  Right click RoughMill1 in the Operation tree and select Insert Avoid Area on the shortcut
The 2 Axis Wizard dialog box displays.
2.  Select  sf000146 in the Available sketches list and click Finish.
When cross section entities were created for the clamps, ProCAM automatically assigned
this identification number.
3.  Click the plus sign next to RoughMill1 in the Operation

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