

http://www.cadfamily.com/a/CAE_FEA_CFD/Forge-CAST/Simulating-Drilling-Processes-with-DEFORM_4156.html1. Problem Summary
Due to the number of revolutions of a drill necessary to establish characteristic behavior,
Drilling simulations in DEFORM are time consuming. Therefore, every effort will be
made to optimize problem size.
Considerations include keeping the workpiece as small as possible while capturing
geometry (both in diameter and thickness), using the largest element which can
adequately capture chip geometry, and possibly pre-shaping the workpiece to eliminate
the necessity to simulate the transient point penetration before the drill reaches full depth.
We will describe the use of the open preprocessor for defining this problem. If the user
understands this process, use of the template should not pose a problem.
This tutorial will use the example of a 6mm two flute twist drill running at 400RPM with
a 0.15mm/rev feed.

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