


Step 2: Start 2½ Axis Mill and Select the Controller
1.  Click the 2X Milling button on the CAD/CAM toolbar.
The Controller Type dialog box displays a list of post processors.
The list that displays for your system depends on the number of
post processors you have installed.
2.  Double-click FANTUTM or highlight FANTUTM and click OK.
− In the exercises in this manual, when you choose a controller
type, select FANTUTM. When you create your own parts, pick
the post processor that will be used to cut the part.
− If you have the Feed and Speed Library installed, the Setup
Information dialog box displays. This dialog box is explained
on the next page.
− If the Setup Information dialog box does not display
automatically, click CAM on the menu bar and select the Setup
Information command on the CAM menu.

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