
MetaCAM Installation Guide


Installation procedure
• MetaCAM can only be installed on systems running Windows 2000, or
Windows XP.
• Make Sure you are logged in as an Administrator or have
Administrative privileges.
• Insert the CD into the CD ROM drive. The install CD should
automatically bring an installation dialog up on the screen after a few
seconds. If not, open up the CD using “My Computer” and double-click
on “Launch.exe”
• Security Drivers - (Skip this step if upgrading from a previous version)
Click on the appropriate button for the type of block that you have. Follow all of the
prompts for the security driver installation, keeping all of the default settings.
1. For Version 5 Installations use HASP drive version 4.95 provided
on the install CD.
• MetaCAM Installation - After the security drivers are installed, make sure that
your protection block is installed on your system’s printer port or USB port. Click on
the MetaCAM installation button to continue.
• Upgrading a previous installation - If you already have MetaCAM installed
and running on your system, you will be prompted to upgrade or remove the
previous installation. Select “Upgrade”, then “Next”. Follow the remaining prompts
and click “Finish” when prompted. If you have been provided with a new License
File (metacam.db), be sure to insert the disk when prompted. You’re upgrade is
complete. Skip the remaining steps.
• If there is no floppy disk in your MetaCAM package check your email and
you should have a license sent to a contact at your company. Copy that license to a
local folder say c:\Temp. This will be used later in the installation in step6
• New MetaCAM installation – The following information describes each step of
a new MetaCAM installation.

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