
Basic Tutorial of MetaCAD 3D Features


Step 1. Start a New 3D Model
 Using the File Pull-Down menu, select New, then select 3D model from the Sub Menu,
which will open the Part Properties dialogue box, select OK to continue. Now you should
have your blank 3D Screen open with 2 tabs Model & Sketch.
Step 2. Draw Rectangle Flanges
Draw 2 rectangle flanges in the “Sketch” tab’s Basic window Drawing screen. Using
the Rectangle  command, [Tab] down and type 0 in both the X & Y input boxes. Now
type18 in the Width input box and 27 in the Height input box
 and hit [Enter] to create the rectangle marked (A)
(Figure 16-2). To create rectangle (B), type 19 in the X input box, 0 in the Y input box, 7.5 in
the Width input box and 27 in the Height input box. Now hit [Enter].
You should have both the (A) and (B) rectangles similar to the diagram below.
Step 3. Draw an Angular Line.
Using the Line  command, draw the line marked (A) in the Figure 16-3. Begin by
placing the start point on the left endpoint of line (a). Next, [Tab] down and type 12 in the
Length input box and 40 in the Angle input box. Now hit [Enter], this will generate the line
marked (A)

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