Exercise 1. Round Tubing
In this exercise you will learn how draw our initial tube and the internal holes and and
tapered edges and then assign laser tooling and save the part with a laser path and
sequence information and generate NC code.
Step 1. Open a New Part Drawing.
Using the File Pull-Down Menu , Select New then select 3D Model from Sub-menu. The part
drawing window will appear. Click on the “Model”
tab (figure 1) to view and adjust the part properties.
Step 2. Setting the Machine.
Click on the View Settings
command. The Model Settings
dialog box will appear. Make
sure that a cutting machine that
you wish to use is selected, and
the materials you have assigned
to the model are found within the
bending database under the
Construct Window in your
Sketch tab. (Note: when a
Rotary Axis machine is selected
you now have a new [tab] in your
3D drawing called Process)
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