


Useful documents
There are some useful documents to help you write header files.
•IAR code standards (CppGuide.html)
•IAR header file template (EWARM_HeaderTemplate.doc)
Where to start
A few pointers:
1. Find the relevant and up-to-date device user guide (can usually be downloaded from the chip manufacturer’s web
2. Check if IAR Systems already supports more devices from the same family. You can often re-use parts from other
header files belonging to the same chip family.
What is included in a header file?
A header file can be said to consist of 6 sections:
1.  A header with the following information:
• Which IAR Compiler and Assembler that the header file designed for
• that the header file is used with ARM IAR C/C++ Compiler and Assembler
• IAR Systems copyright information and the header file creation year
• File revision: $ Revision $
2. Protection against multiple inclusions of the same header file

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