
CATIA- Surface Creation

http://www.cadfamily.com/downinfo/298661.htmlExercise 3B: Recap Extrude a profile in a direction. Create a Fill surface. Create a swept surface using the Two Guides and Tangency surface available in Circle option. Create a swept surface using Two Guides available in Conic option.
In this exercise, you will practice to create swept surface using law. You will design a turbine blade .You will be provided with the basic curves.High level instructions for this exercise are provided.By the end of this exercise you will be able to create a swept surface using law.
Exercise 3C (1/2)1. Open the part. Open an existing part file. The file consists of Section curves for blade model..a. Browse and open part:Exercise_3C_start.CATPart2. Create Line Sweep. Create blade surface using Line sweep option. Specify the given curve as guide and YZ plane for draft direction. The orientation of the blade changes along the guide curve at a constant angle. To attain this specify a linear law for angular dimension. The angle varies from 15 deg to 75 deg.
Exercise 3C (2/2)3. Define a Law Use the law type as Linear. Specify the start angle as 15 deg and end angle 75 deg.4. Rotate the Surface Rotate a surface along given axis line at an angle of 18 deg. Specify the object instance to 20 numbers.
What is a Multi-Section SurfaceA surface computed by passing through two or more consecutive sections along a spine is called Multi-Section surface. The shape of the Multi-Section surface can be defined more precisely by specifying the sections.During a certain design situations, you may need a shape which varies in its cross-section along its length. In such caseyou can create Multi-Section surface which passes through the defined sections along the spine or guides.Multi-Section surface helps you to attain a smooth transition surface between two or more varying sections and at the same time maintains the G1 continuity with adjacent surfaces.

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