
CATIA-Master Project

http://www.cadfamily.com/downinfo/298665.html The following is a list of the steps that are required to complete the master project:1. Study the given input data. Understand the use of surface and curve provided in the input styled data to create different parts of the toy. Study the Product tree structure. Understand the parts, to be modeled and the parts readily available in Start data. Design Intent: To use the data provided by stylist to create the surfaces in Generative Shape Design workbench. To meet the requirements of the stylist and achieve the proposed shape.2. Wireframe Creation - Design the wireframe to build Plastic Body part in Part context. Create a wireframe and reference elements required to build the Plastic Body part of the Toy Car. Design Intent: To build the required reference geometry using the input styled data. To construct required wireframe geometry to build the features and surfaces.
3. Surface Creation - Design the Surfaces of Plastic Body part. Create a Front, Seat and Back panel of the toy as a singe unit (Plastic Body) in a part context, using published elements from input styled data. Design Intent: To design the surfaces of ??Plastic Body?? of the Toy Car according to the style input data. Sufficient draft should be applied to eject the part from a mold. Create a formed/groove features on the front panel surface to strengthen the part. Create a wide seat area with changing cross section. To maintain the contextual link between the input data and the part to facilitate the data replacement during design modifications.
4. Surface Relimitation and Connection - Relimit the surfaces and finalize the Plastic body part. Dress-up the surfaces to get a finished part. Design Intent: To achieve a final surface of the Plastic body part. The internal sharp edges should be blended for better aesthetics and to strengthen the part. To achieve a single relimited surface as a final result. To ensure that the surface rests on the floor.

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