Creating a profile curvesThe following two scripts create simple setups with reflector and refractor profiles. Besides the description of further script techniques, these scripts are a first introduction to profile elements of type ProfileArc. Both samples create a single profile curve which is extruded into a surface. Both example use a function to create the profile curve. The function is declared in the first script and all parameters are set in a second part. The creation of the curve, surface and shape together with the light source and sensor is done in a third part.
The purpose of this exercise is to set up a signal lamp in pillow-look. The lamp should create a rectangular beam pattern with +/-20˚ in horizontal and +/- 10˚ in vertical direction. Furthermore the light distribution should contain a cross-like concentration in the horizontal and vertical range and a maximum in the center.The calculation method for this signal lamp will be implemented as a LucidShell script. Subsequently we create dialog boxes which will be used to set the different parameters in order to modify the lamp. The calculation method uses two profile curves, which are swept along each other. The implementation is done in several steps, where each step is an extension of the previous one.
Define the n Light Source, n Ray Path Bundle, n Absorber Disk which Simulates the Bulb Hole
Define the final apply function. The result goes into the scene onto the fix slots 0 and 1. When the apply function is called the next time, the old object in the splots will be removed automatically
Use the feature class build a first instance of the feature ??MySignalLamp??and execute the edit dialog on the feature
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