1.1. Language OverviewThe LucidShell language makes it easy to describe and simulate optical and lighting experiments. To offergreatest flexibility on one hand and easy learnability on the other hand, the LucidShell language is designedas close as possible to the C programming language. Apart from a few subtleties its syntax is the same as C,with some items borrowed fromC++. The language description thus assumes that you are somewhat familiarwith C. The LucidShell language also serves as a data storage format for the Lighting System. This facilitatesinteraction between the different components of the Lighting System. It alsomakes it easy tomodify a savedmodel with any standard text editor. Furthermore the LucidShell language also serves as a driver languagefor the Lighting System: by a few C-like commands you may make arbitrary modifications on a model or runa computation or simulation from inside Studio.1.2. Data TypesCompared to C, there are only a few data types, described in the following sections. In particular, there areno pointers, unions, structs, and enums. There are no arrays either, but there is a data type list which mayserve as a dynamic array type.1.2.1.
NumbersThere is only one numeric data type, double. Constants of type double may be entered like 123, +123.45,0.123, -.1234, 1.234e56, or -1.23e-45. Integer numbers may also be written in hex by preceding them with0x. A trailing L is legal for hex integers but will effectively be ignored. Integer numbers, however, will bestored as double as well. Its data range is typically +/-[2.22507e-308, 1.79769e+308] with a (relative) pre-cision of about 2.22045e-16. Thismay bemachine dependent. The above guess are valid on amachine (likeIntel) where C type double implements an IEEE floating point type with 64 bits. In LucidShell double is alsoused for task where int is used in C.
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