
SIM4ME Translation of Models


In its sustained efforts to be very user friendly, PRO/II allows the user to take many short cuts when constructing a flow sheet. For instance, in reality, streams don't just originate or terminate into thin air.

They are connected to a feed or product tank or another process. Similarly, you will ever see a multiple streams (i.e., pipes) directly flowing into a valve; they will need to be ninitially mixed in some sort of mixer, header or tank. Thus, the representation of this process in the Common Data Model will be:

To arrive at the minimal physical representation, the model was altered from four streams and one-piece equipment to five streams and six pieces of equipment. This configuration will allow for a more realistic translation into other flow sheet styles, be it Dynsim or ROMeo. The second step of the translation is to move from the ??Common Data Model?? representation to an actual Dynsim or ROMeo flow sheet. Here, additional equipment may be introduced to satisfy the requirements of this software.

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