
LucidStudio User's Guide


4.6.1. Curves from NURBS Surface BorderComputes the boundary curves from a set of user selected NURBSsurfaces and returns themasNURBS curves into themodel. The degreesof the computed curves corresponds to the degree of the input surfaces.

A (non-trimmed) surface's boundary curve is defined as the surface'ssubsets related to the uv parameters u=umin, u=umax, v=vmin,v=vmax, where (umin,umax) and (vmin,vmax) are the uv parameterlimits.4.6.2. Curves from Trimmed Surface BorderComputes the boundary curves from a set of user selected trimmedsurfaces and returns themasNURBS curves into themodel.

The degreesof the computed curves is fixed to 5.A trimmed surface's boundary curve is defined as the image of thesurface's uv trim bound under the surface (u,v) y,z) mapping.4.6.3. Surface between two NURBS CurvesUses linear interpolation to compute a surface between two user selec-ted (left and right) NURBS curves and returns it as a NURBS surfaceinto the model.

4.6.4. Surface between Lower and Upper NURBS SurfaceUses linear interpolation to compute a surface between two user selec-ted (lower and upper)NURBS surfaces and returns it as aNURBS surfaceinto the model.The terms lower and upper refer to the two surfaces' uv boundaries:The lower surface's v=vmax boundary is connected to the upper sur-face's v=vmin boundary.Note that the two surfaces' positions must permit a direct linear inter-polation of their boundary curves, otherwise the connecting surface islikely to be distorted.

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