
Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams Fundamentals Part B


Step (4): Diagram Modification/Annotation/Reports

In this step you will learn how to modify the positions of Lines and Equipment, how to modify Annotations, how to manage Flows and how to generate Reports.

Gapping Operations

1. Gapping operations are performed using the View option in the frame. Select Gaps – Show All

2. Gapping management is performed using the Tools - Options command. This option allows you
to set parameters such as:

· Gap Type

· Gap Size

· Gap Priority

Flow Management

3. Using the View - Flow option , you can Show or Noshow the flow for all lines.

4. You can use the Flow icons to show the flow and to change your flow direction for
selected lines.

5. An alternate method would be to use the contextual menu on the line segment.

6. Using the Tools - Options – Equipment&Systems - Diagrams tab, you can set your Flow arrow

· Flow Frequency

· Flow Positioning

· Flow Arrow Type

Stretch Operations

7. Stretch operations allow you to move components by trapping them.

8. E.g. selecting equipment with attached components will allow you to move it as an entity.

9. Trap a portion of your diagram and experiment with the stretch operations.

Flip Inline Parts.

10. Flip Connections: Flips the Connectors of a Parts and reassembles it.

11. Flip In Line: Mirrors the Parts along the Line.

Manage your Annotations

12. You can edit the properties on the annotation using the Properties option by right clicking on the

13. To modify the annotation, use the Annotation Editor by right clicking on the annotation.



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