
Customising PowerINSPECT Excel Report Part B


This area contains the cells that will be copied at the end of a Surface Point Group. This area can contains statistics, error graphs and gauss graph.

The location of the graph inside the Surface Point Chart Area are named :



The name of the Error Chart must be SurfacePoint_Graphe.

The name of the Gauss Graph must be GrapheGauss.

You can extract statistical information by using Excel Database build-in functions and the PowerINSPECT database name and criteria.

The Excel name for the PowerInpsect Surface point database is SurfacePoint.Database.

PowerINSPECT provide also two filters used to extract statistic for the whole set of point or for only out of tolerances points, they are:

SurfacePoint.AllCriteria ( no filter )

SurfacePoint.OutOnlyCriteria (out of tolerances points)

For example:

To insert the mean of the error for the current Surface point group into a cell, use this formula.


To insert the number of out of tolerance point into a cell, use this formula:


Note 1: the SurfacePoint.ChartLocation and SurfacePoint.GaussLocation must lie inside the SurfacePoint.ChartArea.

Note 2: The Gauss graph is shared by Surface Point, Edge Points and Guided point. If you don't want to use the Gauss graph in your customised report, remove the GaussLocation named cells but do not remove the Gauss Graph it-self.

Note 3: The Error graph contains 4 series, one for the abscissa, two for the tolerances ( upper and lower) and the last one for the error. You can customise the graph as you like using the standard Excel tools.

The GROUP Section

this section describes the look of a Group sub-header on the report.

The variables you can add to the Group Area are :

The EDGE POINT Section

this section describes the look of a edge point on the report.

This section acts as the formally described SurfacePoint Section. Please refer to this section for details.

The variable you can used in this section are :


This section describes the look of a guided point on the report

This section acts as the formally described SurfacePoint Section. Please refer to this section for details.

The variables you can use in this area are :


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