
UniSim Design Operations Guide


In modeling operations, UniSim Design uses a Degrees of Freedom approach, which increases the flexibility with which solutions are obtained. For most operations, you are not constrained to provide information in a specific order, or even to provide a specific set of information. As you provide information to the operation, UniSim Design calculates any unknowns that can be determined based on what you have entered.For instance, consider the Pump operation. If you provide a fully-defined inlet stream to the pump, UniSim Design immediately passes the composition and flow to the outlet.

If you then provide a percent efficiency and pressure rise, the outlet and energy streams is fully defined. If, on the other hand, the flowrate of the inlet stream is undefined, UniSim Design cannot calculate any outlet conditions until you provide three parameters, such as the efficiency, pressure rise, and work. In the case of the Pump operation, there are three degrees of freedom, thus, three parameters are required to fully define the outlet stream.All information concerning a unit operation can be found on the tabs and pages of its property view. Each tab in the property view contains pages which pertain to the unit operation, such as its stream connections, physical parameters (for example, pressure drop and energy input), or dynamic parameters such as vessel rating and valve information.

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