
LucidLite User's Guide


1.1. LucidLite IntroductionLucidLite is a variable digital tool for analysis and interpretation of light distribution data.Being a MSWindows application, LucidLite is primarily operated with mouse and does not require long-some user training.

Besides the tools for the analysis of light distributions and the necessary functionsto maniulate and optimize their appearance or compare different sets of light data, LucidLite also offersmore specific applications.In these seperate pre-arranged applications, the thourough analysis of automotive headlamps, streetlights and indoor light sources can be performed with ease.This documentation has two purposes: it introduces you to the use of LucidStudio, and it serves as areference handbook in your daily work.It is assumed that you know about optics and lighting and its terminology. Unique definitions of the ter-minology used in this handbook are given in the glossary.

It is also assumed that you are acquaintedwith the standard Microsoft Windows(R) dialogs like Open File. If this does not fit you, we recommendyou to first read the help texts accompanying e.g. the standard Microsoft Windows(R) Wordpad Editor.For a kick start, please take a look at the next section of this chapter on the workflow of LucidLite: ittreats an example of light data analysis. This was in particular created for a quick start and guides youthrough the common steps of data handling and analysis LucidLite.1.2. Viewing Light Data in LucidLiteAny light data you load into LucidShapewill be viewed in a so-called UV view(or light data view). Depend-ing on the type of data and their format, the data are displayed according to local coordinates ("u,v"-coordinates) on the surface. Their representation is color coded. Several functions fromthe contextmenuallow for example to switch between linear, or logarithmic scaling or the export of a light distributionimage into a bitmap file.

1.3. The Geometry of ApplicationsThe GeoView is only accessible, if one of the primary applications (Indoor Lighting, Street illumination,Automotive Headlamp) is running. It shows the geometry of the application, for example the streetlightingscene with the road, the light poles and the illuminance patterns on display. You can freely rotate theoptical system in 3D and you can switch between different visual representations and points of view,depending on the chosen application. The axis (x,y,z) are always displayed to allowfor a quick orientationwithin the setup. The geometries of the threemain applications (indoor, street, and automotive lighting)are shown in the figure below.

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