1.5 Road EditorThe LucidShape's road editor can be used to create your own test track or to edit existing roads by adding, editing or deleting points of a Polyline. One can also save the current scene, load a previously saved scene or one of the included scenes.Some words about the overall concept of the road editor. The basic building blocks are polylines, they build up a skeleton of the road. This yields to the lead curve, which uses the concept of clothoids.
A clothoid is a curve whose curvature is a linear function of its length. Roads are built from clothoids to ensure a smooth steering along curved sections. Along this lead curve, different road types are con-structed, e.g. 2 lane and 4 lane roads, with or without a median. The construction of a road follows these steps, polyline > curve > road. In addition, side greens, trees and side marker poles can be added.Within the LucidShape installation, the lue file is located in the samples directory:samples/automotiveLighting/roadEditor.
lueMain dialogMain dialog of the road editor.Creates and alters the appearance of a road by adding, deleting and editing points of a Polyline. Originally, the street consists of three points. By pressing one of the "add here" buttons, a new point will be inserted either on the first or the second position. One can edit these points, but the changes will not be adopted until one of the scroll buttons is pressed. It is important to know, that one can delete points, but there must remain at least three points. putx, y, zThe x,y,z coordinates of a single point. To insert a new point, one has to enter these values in the first row, between the two "add here" buttons. After the "add here" button is pressed, the new point will be inserted either between point #0 and #1, or between #1 and #2 depending if the first or the second button has been pressed. If one changes the coordinates in the second row, an existing point is altered.
ttonsAdd here VAdds a new point at the designated position.< <<> >>Scrolls through the whole list of points in forward direction. The ">>" button scrolls ten steps at once.Accept pointsIf an existing point is altered, "Accept points" performs the changes and alters the coordinates in the list and in the Geo view. Has no effect if new points are inserted.
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