
CALCOSOFT-3D Manual (Base)

The CALCOSOFT-3D Manager corresponds to the control panel of the software. It allows to access all the modules of CALCOSOFT-3D, such as the Pre-processor, the Solver and the Post-processor, as well as to a number of tools or information panels.

2.1. MANAGER INTRODUCTION To start CALCOSOFT-3D, launch the software with the CALCOSOFT-3D icon on the desktop or in the "bin" directory of the software installation, double-click on the "calcosoft3Dxxxxy_manager.exe" file (where xxxxy is the version number). The following window will be opened, with the CALCOSOFT-3D banner.

When you click anywhere, or press any key, the banner will disappear (the banner will disappear after 5 seconds anyway) and the software is ready to be used. The CALCOSOFT-3D Manager allows to manage the use of the software. It is used to call the different modules (mesh generator, pre-processors, solvers, post-processors), to manage the calculations (files and status) as well as to have access to several tools.

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