
WorkNC Auto Engrave


The perspective is drawn in black color with a dash-dot border. The name of the perspective is
written in the top right corner. The width is written in the right button corner and the height in
top left corner.
Text and logos are clickable with the left mouse button. The selected element will be painted
in blue. The selected element can be moved with the left mouse button pressed or with the
keyboard (keys: left, right, top, down). For the moment only single elements are movable at
The maximum hull of the element is painted with a blue dashed line. At left bottom corner is a
little blue dot which indicates the reference point for the distance to the axis system of the
If an element is selected in the preview frame the same element will be selected in the table.
The values of the selected element will also be shown in the tab left to the table. This way the
properties of each element can be changed very easy

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