
Release 3 -- CATIA V5 Workbook

Introduction to the Sketcher Work Bench
This lesson will take you through each step in creating a simple sketch and part that will
be referred to as the “L Shaped Extrusion”. Later in this lesson you will be asked to
save this part (file) as the “L Shaped Extrusion.CATPart”. The completed “L Shaped
Extrusion” is illustrated in Figure 1.2. In some cases optional processes will be
explained. Referenced illustrations will be used to help explain certain processes and to
compare results. It is important that you complete and understand every step in this
lesson, otherwise you will have difficulties in future lessons where much of the basic
instruction will not be covered (it will be assumed that you know it). The concepts taught
in these steps will give you the tools to navigate through the basics of the Sketcher
Work Bench. Following the step-by-step instructions there are twenty questions to help
you review the major concepts covered in this lesson. There are practice exercises at the
end of this lesson. The practice exercises will help you strengthen and test your new
found CATIA V5 knowledge. This lesson covers the most commonly used tools in the
Sketcher Work Bench. The less common and/or advanced tools will be covered in later
lessons and/or in the Advanced Workbook. It is not the intent of this book to be a
comprehensive reference manual but provide basic instructions for the most common
tools and functions in CATIA V5. CATIA V5 in the Windows NT environment allows
multiple methods of accomplishing the same task. You are encouraged to explore all the
different options.

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