
Flash Loader Development Guide for IAR Embedded Workbench


A flash loader is usually a rather small program which can program a certain flash memory
device,or family of devices.The flash loader consists of a small set of functions, mainly for
erasing or writing designated portions of the flash memory. C-SPY downloads this program into
RAM (it must be linked to an address in RAM). To run the program, C-SPY positions the PC at
one of the functions in the flash loader, writes data and directives for that function into a RAM
buffer,and starts execution. When the function returns, execution will hit a breakpoint. C-SPY
will then know that the function has finished and can proceed to make further calls to continue
the flash loading process.In short,C-SPY calls functions in the flash loader.
The flash memory device configuration files
The flash memory device configuration file is an XML file (filename extension flash) which
describes for C-SPY all relevant properties of a certain flash device. For example, the base
address of the flash memory and details such as block and page sizes. The file also specifies
which flash loader to use.

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