
Fire Dynamics Simulator Technical Reference Guide

4.4.3 Coupling the Gas and Solid Phase
Gas phase temperatures are defined at cell centers; solid surfaces lie at the interface of the bordering gas phase cell and a ??ghost?? cell inside the solid. As far as the gas phase calculation is concerned, the normal temperature gradient at the surface is expressed in terms of the temperature difference between the ??gas??cell and the ??ghost?? cell. The solid surface temperature is not used directly in the gas phase calculation.
Rather, the ghost cell temperature is used to couple the gas and solid phases. The ghost cell temperature has no physical meaning on its own. It is purely a numerical construct. It does not represent the temperature within the wall, but rather establishes a temperature gradient at the solid surface consistent with the empirical correlation. Only the difference between ghost and gas cell temperatures matters, for this d fines the heattransfer to the wall.

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