
MOLDFLOW How To Use Help


Accessed from the Help menu and Help topics toolbar iconLinks to common areas:TutorialsGlossaryError MessagesAutomating APISupportRelease NotesLicense AgreementCopyright
Located on the Contents tab of the online helpContains terms relating to MPI and the injection molding industry

MOLDFLOW Materials

Commonly used materialsLast 20 materials used are listedNumber of materials user definable in PreferencesSpecific MaterialLists ManufacturerTrade nameIf material known it can be found in list
Searching can be done on properties stored in the material databaseCommon searches for a polymer based on ManufacturerTrade nameFiller data etc..

Searches can be savedUse the Diskette IconEnter NameWill save all fields being used and the values of the fieldsSaved searches can then be loaded for later use
Click on columns headings to sort by columnDrag column headings to re-positionUse columns button to add or delete visible columnsReport shows testing and quality information about the materialCompare puts in a table 2 or more materials so data can be compared

MOLDFLOW Modeling for Cooling Analysis


Select channel size from channel databaseMost standard sizes listedCheck propertiesEnsure correct cross-sectional shape and mold material are setFor the other properties, the defaults can be used
Set the property type for the circuit section to be createdEnter the coordinate for the start and end of the circuit sectionClick on existing nodeEnter coordinateClick on end of curveCopy existing curves when possible
Define Local Coordinate SystemModelingLocal Coordinate SystemIn Preferences, set grid sizeSelect the new coordinate system iconFrom display context menu Activate as Modeling PlaneCreate curves, clicking on grid to define curve locations

MOLDFLOW Model Requirements for a Flow Analysis

The mesh should have noFree edgesEdge of an element should not touch any other elementNon-Manifold edgesEdge where 3 or more elements share the edgeA Tintersection
Fusion meshes must be matchedOne side of wall thickness to anotherAt least 85% to prevent warnings in Flow analysisAt least 90% for good warp resultsReciprocal match is when two elements match each otherMust be above 90% for good warpage
Aspect RatioAverage < 3:1Maximum < 6:1 Higher can be tolerated for flow analysis, but causes problems with cool and warpVery high aspect ratio triangles, which have their longest side in the direction of flow, should be avoidedIf very high aspect ratios cannot be avoided, the longest side should, if possible, be at right angles to the flow direction
Thickness has the greatest effect on pressureFlow length has the second greatest effectVolume has no effect on fill pressure assuming thickness and flow length are constant

MOLDFLOW Reducing Warpage

Aim should be to reduce warpage to within design tolerances Need to have well defined criteria for measuring warpageIt is generally not practical/possible to reduce warpage to zero
Take measures to reduce the effect of the dominant warpage contributorDifferential coolingArea shrinkageOrientation effectsAdd stiffing features to the partChange the materialUse analysis results to help determine how to reduce the warpage.

Caused by temperature differences through the thickness of the part, i.e. cavity to core differencesConcentrate on improving the cooling, particularly inside cornersTo look for a suitable approach to resolve the warpage, concentrate on the following cooling results Temperature (top)Temperature (bottom)Temperature difference, partTemperature profileBending curvature

MOLDFLOW Model Translation and Cleanup


Depending on file type being imported the Import dialog will be differentExample here is for STLConfirm Mesh typeMidplaneFusion3DPick Fusion, if midplane is desired, clean model first then change mesh typeUnits
Click on mesh icon in study tasks list or Mesh  Generate Mesh Main control of mesh densityAdvanced  Global edge lengthMost cases only thing changed
Displays specific mesh problemAspect ratioOverlapping elementsOrientationConnectivityFree edgesThicknessOccurrence numberMatch InfoCan isolate problem on Diagnostics layerUsed for fixing problems

MOLDFLOW Warpage Overview


Warpage OverviewDesign Influences on WarpageReview of unitsWarpage Analysis ProcessDetermine the Magnitude of WarpageDetermine the Cause of WarpageReducing Warpage
Shrinkage variation in the partTypes of shrinkage variationFrom region to region in the partThrough the thickness of the partDifferent shrinkage's parallel and perpendicular to the material orientation direction
Volumetric shrinkageDriving force behind all other shrinkage factorsModeled using PVT (pressure/volume/temperature)High cooling ratesLowers crystallinityOrientation due to fillingDifferent parallel & perpendicular shrinkageMold restraintNo shrinkage in the plane of element while in the moldTemperature differences through the thicknessCausing bending moments

MOLDFLOW Results Interpretation/Customize


Single datasetOne value for filling or packingAnimation is minimum to maximum of result unitIntermediate ResultsResults recorded through time Intermediate ProfiledResults through the thicknessResults recorded through timeXY Plot2D graph of resultsHighlightSummary
Fill timeTemperature at flow frontBulk temperature (end of filling)Frozen layer fraction (end of filling)Grow fromPressure (end of filling)Sink IndexTime to freezeVolumetric shrinkage (at ejection)

Screen outputAnalysis startup informationInputs to the analysisRunning statusError messagesRun timesResults summarySimilar to Screen output except for running status Useful to review to get a sense of how well the analysis ranMachine setup

CATIA Product Design Expert Guide


Light DASSAULT SYSTEMESUsing Smart Target to Snap Section BoxTo snap the first side of the section box click on the plane desired of the geometry: this symbol appearsDo the same thing to snap the second sideSelected planes can be parallel or perpendicularClick OK in the Sectioning Definition dialog box when doneSelect Section boxSelect the Positioning tab andclick on Geometrical target icon
You will use Smart Target for Snapping section box 1 Click on Sectioning icon
Fill SectionDisplay GridModify Grid optionsRotate sectionLock 2DTo display the result of the section, in a particular interface special tools are available to:About Section Viewer

CATIA Freestyle Shaper, Optimizer and Profiler


Freestyle Shaper workbench is used to generate Aesthetic Non-Associative (datum) 3D curves and surfaces from scratch and to dynamically deform and analyze all produced elements.

Designers can create flawless, styled shapes from scratch using three-dimensional free-form curves and surfaces or with digitized data.The Designer has total control over all levels of continuity up to G2 curvature continuity over these curves and surfaces.Freestyle Shaper creates math-free representation for all types of free-form curves, surfaces thus making product development process very intuitive.

It also allows for direct manipulation with propagation of surface modifications on all related topology.So, to create a surface, a designer may use Surface Based Approach directly to create surfaces, without creating the boundaries and curves OR may use Curve Based Approach to create the boundaries first and then create the surface based on these curves.

CATIA Training Healing Assistant


Impossible to find a consistent orientation except if the join operator manages to keep some edges as free sidesIn some cases you can get a result, if the Join operator has been able to keep superimposed edges as free edges (boundaries)Two possible orientations for surface 2, if the wrong one is kept, it will not be possible to add surface 3 to the join.

you must take into account the accuracy of the data to Join: if you choose a strict tolerance, the Join has many free sides and it takes time to correct themalso sometimes Join does not work with a strict tolerance (Join failure)On the other hand when you relax the tolerance, some gaps are hidden but the geometry still has gaps and may be unusable for later processingFor example gaps may cause visible marks on the manufactured partremember that a gap may be: finally Join removes all edges which are smaller than the merging distance, which can cause problems if the merging distance is too highThe suppression of small curves may later produce invalid faces (with self-intersecting edges)merging dist. = 0.001mm merging dist. = 0.01mm merging dist. = 0.1mm

CATIA Training Product Engineering Optimizer

Access the General/Parameters and Measure node. In the Knowledge tab check the corresponding option if you want
(1) the parameter values to be displayed in the specification tree
(2) the formulas driving the parameters to be displayed in the specification tree
Access the Infrastructure/Part Infrastructure node.
In the Display tab, check the corresponding option if you want :
(1) the Part Parameters to be displayed in the specification tree
(2) the Part Relations (Rules, Formulas, Design Tables, etc) to be displayed in the specification tree

CATIA Mold Tolling Design

Step 1 : Creating a new Mold In this step, you will: Access workbench Mold Tooling Design Create a new Product Insert existing Molded Part Select a Mold Base in a Catalog Position the Molded Part in the Mold Base Split the Core Plate and the Cavity Plate
1. Enter workbench Mold Tooling Design to start a new Product :
2. Insert existing Molded Part : a. Select new Product in the specification tree (orange highlight)
b. Activate function Insert / Existing Component
c. Select file \MasterExercise\Step1\MoldedPart.
CATPart : d. In Geometrical Set PartingBody, show PartingSurface :
3. Select a Mold Base in a catalog : a. Click icon Create a new mold :

CATIA Mold Tolling Design

Step 1 : Creating a new Mold In this step, you will: Access workbench Mold Tooling Design Create a new Product Insert existing Molded Part Select a Mold Base in a Catalog Position the Molded Part in the Mold Base Split the Core Plate and the Cavity Plate
1. Enter workbench Mold Tooling Design to start a new Product :
2. Insert existing Molded Part : a. Select new Product in the specification tree (orange highlight)
b. Activate function Insert / Existing Component
c. Select file \MasterExercise\Step1\MoldedPart.
CATPart : d. In Geometrical Set PartingBody, show PartingSurface :
3. Select a Mold Base in a catalog : a. Click icon Create a new mold :

CATIA Training Photo Studio Optimizer

What is a 3D texture? When using a 2D texture, a picture file is projected on the object using a specific projection method.Using a 3D texture is as sculpting the object directly in the material. The texture is very realistic and gives the illusion of relief. It can be customized through its own parameters (examples : complexity, amplitude, turbulence,)Which 3D textures can I use CATIA Photo Studio Optimizer provides 5 different types of 3D textures:

CATIA V5 Fundamentals-Dress-up Features


Student Guide: Lesson 5- What is a Draft? (2/2)* The pulling direction defines the direction from which the draft angle is measured. It derives its name from the direction that the sides of a mold are pulled to extract a molding.* The draft angle is the angle that the draft faces make with the pulling direction from the neutral element. This angle may be defined for each face by creating separate draft features.* The neutral element is used to define the pivot hinge for the drafted surfaces. The drafted surfaces pivot about a neutral curve, the hinge, where it intersects the neutral element. The neutral element, usually a plane or face, can be the same reference used to define the pulling direction.The neutral element is displayed in blue, and the neutral curve is displayed in pink. The faces to be drafted are in dark red.The geometry that is selected as the Neutral Element remains the same during the draft operation (i.e. it is not affected by the draft).


CATIA Detail Drafting Version 5


Interactive Drafting is a drafting system that can be used in a standalone 2D CAD environment. It can be used for traditional drafting purpose i. e. for creating 2D drawings of the components for which you do not have 3D models.Simple 2D drawings can be created in Interactive drafting without a 3D model. These drawings can be used to express design ideas.

To complete a generative view with interactive elements.2D interactive functionalities can be used in an advanced production environment for the dress-up and annotation of drawings.
Sketching in the drafting workbench gives you the ability to create 2D shapes. A sketch is a rough drawing by nature however it is possible to create precise elements.

When first creating a sketch thought should be given to the basic shape of the profile and not precise measurements. Once the profile is created, constraints can be added to help better define the profile. Finally, by editing the applied constraints, the precise profile can be obtained.A typical approach to sketching is made up of three steps:Profile CreationCreating Sketch ConstraintsEditing Constraints

CATIA Training Freestyle Sketch Tracer


This workbench is used in the initial stages of product development. It enables you to import various sketches and images created by the product stylists into CATIA. In this workbench, you will first position and scale the image in 3D space, then use CATIA Freestyle workbench to draw the geometry over the Sketches.The CATIA Sketch Tracer workbench is part of the Shape Design group of workbenches.

There are two ways of creating an Immersive Sketch:Creating an Immersive Sketch using an existing imageIn the Sketch Tracer workbench, you can import the pictures created by stylist or you can a take snapshot of an existing CATIA component. This process of importing an image is called as creating an Immersive Sketch. Immersive Sketch is the image of a product that is used in 3D environment for designing the product.Creating an Immersive Sketch using existing an assembly or a part

CATIA Training Lathe Machining


Save the Personal_Tools_Catalog.catalog file into the Tools catalog directory. (At default installation: ..\ Intel_a\Startup\Manufacturing\Tools)This Tools catalog includes some predefined tools which will be further used to replay the exercises.Copy Tools catalog:
Create a new Part Operation with:The machine « Horizontal Lathe machine »The machining axis systemStock model:For material removal simulation.To automatically compute the current stock for each lathe and drilling cycles Use result of previous step or ??.Open Define_PartOperation_Start.CATProcess

CATIA Part Design Expert Version 5


Objective: Upon completion you will have analyzed a flanged connector part. You will use a variety of Part Analysis tools to determine how the part was created, thread and tap data in the part and problem areas for manufacturing. The result of this exercise will be analysis features that can be reviewed again by you or by others. Time: The design documents have allocated 10-15 minutes to complete this project. To assist you (if necessary), a series of detailed step-by-step directions has been provided on the following pages.

The following detailed tasks and instructions give you recommendations to analyze the Flanged Connector: 2.1 - Analyze the way in which the part was built using Define or Scan in Work Object Open the start part for the Flanged Connector recap exercise.

CATIA V4 Integration


2.3 - Now you will perform a Draft Analysis on the Flanged Connector to find any problems that might be encountered in manufacturing this part. A set of extracted surfaces have been Joined (DraftAreas) and can be found under the ExtractedSurface Group in the Specification tree, These surfaces identify the specific areas of this part that we are interested in.

CATIA V5 Fundamentals-Basic Features


Case Study: Basic FeaturesThe case study for this lesson is the engine support used in the drill support assembly and shown below. The engine support is part of the Bloc Engine sub-assembly. The focus of this case study is the creation of a features that incorporate the design intent for the part. The engine support will consists of a pad, pockets, a hole, fillets and a chamfer which can all be accessed through the Part Design Workbench.
Student Guide: Lesson 3- Case Study: Basic FeaturesIntroduce the case study for this lesson.The engine support is part of the Bloc Engine sub-assembly.Locate where the engine support is in the sub-assembly and where the sub-assembly is in the main assembly.Consider opening the Drill Press assembly in CATIA and showing the location of engine support.
Use the following steps to create the engine support:
1. Determine a suitable base feature. 2. Create pad and pocket features.3. Create holes.4. Create fillets and chamfers.5. Hide reference planes and deactivate holes.

CATIA-Handle Block used in the Drill Press assembly


The case study for this lesson is the Handle Block used in the Drill Press assembly shown below. The Handle Block is part of the Handle Mechanism sub-assembly. The focus of this case study is the creation of features that incorporate the design intent of the part. The Handle Block will consist of shafts, grooves, multi-profiles, fillets, chamfers, and a shell feature.
Student Guide: Lesson 4-Case Study: Additional FeaturesIntroduce the case study for the lesson.The handle block is part of the Handle Mechanisim sub-assembly. Locate where the handle block is in the sub-assembly and where the sub-assemlby is in the main assembly.Consider opening the drill press assembly in CATIA and locating the handle block.
The top portion and bottom portions of the model must be created as separate features. The holes must created at an angle to the XY plane.The model must be hollow and have a uniform thickness of 3mm, except the end which must have a thickness of 1mm.The holes are normal to the sides of the handle block.The Handle Block must meet the following design intent requirements:

MOLDFLOW Cooling Overview


Attendees in ClassNameCompanyPositionUsed flow analysis before? Moldflow? Others?Hardware usedReason for taking training course
Overall cooling system performance is determined by the following contributors:Rate of heat transfer from the plastic to the mold wallRate of heat transfer from plastic/metal interface to the coolant/metal interface, that is, through the moldRate of heat transfer from the coolant/metal interface to the coolant
The heat transfer rate is influenced by the following:Material properties of the meltSpecific heatThermal conductivityTemperature gradient between the melt and mold wallQuality of contact between plastic and mold wallSoftware assumes 100% contact, that is, Tmold=Tpart at mold wall

MOLDFLOW Determine the Magnitude of Warpage


Stable warpageWarpage (deflection) is linearly proportional to applied shrinkage stressUnstable warpageIn-plane stresses increase membrane stress to the point of instabilityConversion of in-plane membrane energy to bending energy results in large deformations
Small deflection analysisUsed to investigate linear warpage problems Linear buckling analysis, (Midplane only) Used to identify type of warpage Stable or unstable ( linear or nonlinear ) Large deflection analysis (Midplane only)Used to investigate nonlinear (unstable) warpage problemsAutomatic, (Midplane only)Runs buckling analysisIf part buckles it then runs a large deflection analysis

MOLDFLOW Flow Behavior & Design Principles

FillingMold closes, screw rapidly moves forward, frozen polymer skin forms at mold walls
Packing Time (Holding)Cavity filled, packing begins, cooling occurring
CoolingPacking complete, gate freezes off, cooling continuesScrew moves back and begins plasticating resin for next shot Mold OpenCooling completes, mold opens

MOLDFLOW Fiber Filling and Packing


separate module used to calculate the orientation due to flow in fiber-filled materials as well as the resultant thermo-mechanical properties of the composite part
It is important to understand and optimize the orientation of fibers within a part in order to reduce shrinkage variations and minimize warpage
A flow analysis that predicts the distribution of short glass fibers in a molded partAdding fiber to a polymer can increase its strength and ensure that good quality parts are produced
All standard flow calculations are performed In addition the following results are calculatedAverage fiber orientationFiber orientation tensorGraphical output is available to show the fiber distributionThe results are critical as input into a warpage analysis of a fiber filled materialMechanical properties and fiber orientation calculated for every layer In-cavity residual stress calculated for every layer

MOLDFLOW Gate Placement


Place gate to achieve balanced fillingGate in thicker areasGate far from thin areasPlace gates to achieve unidirectional fillingAdd gates as necessary to reduce pressurePrevent overpacking by adding gates
Very balanced fill, Unidirectional orientation, possible packing variation
Mostly balanced fill, Radial orientation, possible warpage due to orientation
Mostly balanced fill, Radial orientation,Large weld line formed at near EOF
Unbalanced fill, Weld line forms early, Radial orientation
Gate in a thicker area to help pack that thicker area betterGenerally lowers pressure to fill the part
When there is significant changes in wall thickness, avoid gating close to thin areasThe polymer will favor the path of least resistance and will a difficult time filling the thin feature, if at all

MOLDFLOW Gate and Runner Design


Most common manual trim gateNominal thickness 50% to 75% nominal wallCan be constant thickness or taperedModeled as a 2-noded beam element
Gate goes into tab that goes to the partSimilar to edge gateUsed to lower shear stress in the partStress stays in the tab
Like a diaphragm gate but is for the outside of the partNot recommended Difficult to get even flowModeled with beams and shells

MOLDFLOW Interface Review


Toolbar AppearanceCool lookLarge ButtonsToolbar CustomizationDrag the button to any toolbarModify existing toolbars or create your ownDocking
Location where documents are openTypes includeGraphicText
Manages studies (models)Can have sub foldersLists analysis sequence for each study
Open and active studies have a Study task listLists basic steps needed to perform an analysisLists resultsGreen check mark indicates task is done so an analysis can start

Moldflow Making Accurate Plastic Parts


Plastic melts are very compressible at the pressures used in injection molding. As the ram moves forward, the material in the barrel is compressed so that the flow rate in the cavity is less than indication by the ram movement. As the ram slows down, the plastic expands under pressure.
Melt compressibility causes a smooth transition from mold filling to packing.
The molding process is frequently divided into two phases. Commonly injection molders will talk about the filling and holding stages because this corresponds to machine settings.
Experiments on an instrumented mold show this concept is far from the truth. Figure 1?C2 illustrates a simple mold with pressure transducers PT1, PT2, PT3 positioned as shown. The lines labelled PT1, PT2 and PT3 show the pressures recorded by these transducers during filling of the mold.
Figure 1?C2: Pressure Traces for Simple Molding

CATIA Part Design Expert


In this exercise you will build a first version of the Connector Housing .Step 1: You will understand the design Intent of the Part.Step 2: You will Design the Housing with its initial specifications of dimensions provided in the drafting of the part.Step 3: Then, you will receive a modification request, that will make you change the part.You need to thoroughly understand the Modification request. Step 4: You will take into account the modification request and change the design accordingly to design the second version of the Connector Housing.By following the recommended design process you will be able to design the two versions of the part.
In this step you will understand the specifications and design intent required to design the first version of the Connector Housing .You will understand the functional parts of the housing.You will study the drawing of the part thoroughly.You will answer a few questions in order to understand the way manufacturing features (such as draft and fillets) interact with functional features.

CATIA V5 Expert Mechanical Designer-Analyze and Annotate Parts

The model needs to be analyzed.• The model needs to analyzed and scanned to verify that it follows company policy.The model needs to be constrained.• The original creator of this model incorrectly constrained the holes. You need to make corrections.Notes must be added.• Your company policy requires that you make note of any changes that you made to the part.The model of this bracket must meet the following design requirements:
A. Display threads, taps or both.B. Display the numerical values for the threads and/or taps.C. Display the thread and/or taps of a specified diameter.When a part has been created with threads and taps, CATIA does not physically display these features. Use the Thread and Tap Analysis tool to quickly retrieve all the information about the threads and taps.The following options are available in the Thread/Tap Analysis dialog box: http://www.cadfamily.com/downinfo/300345.html

CATIA Training Mold Tooling Design


Inserting the Molded Part in the Mold ProductThe Molded Part can be inserted in the Mold Assembly by inserting the already existing CATPart :From the contextual menu of the top Product : Components / Existing Component, then selecting the name of the CATPart fileOr by using standard menu Insert / Existing Component?? , then selecting the name of the CATPart file
Structure of the Molded Part (1) : RequirementsIts Part Number (see tab Product in contextual menu Properties) must be MoldedPartYou can define as you wish the Instance name and the name of the CATPart file
The Molded Part must contain the part itself and also all the surface elements required for core/cavity separation.It is generally created as the result of the preparation work done in workbench Core & Cavity Design or Generative Shape Design.It is recommended that the user defines the following elements in the Molded Part, in an open body called PartingBody :PartingSurface : the external parting surface around the Molded Part, created from the parting lineCoreSurface : Join of the core side of the part (including fills of functional holes) and of PartingSurfaceCavitySurface : Join of the cavity side of the part (including fills of functional holes) and of PartingSurfaceThe elements bearing these names will be used by the application as (editable) default elements for core/cavity split operations and for creating gates and runners. If they are not present, you will have to explicitly select other elements in the Molded Part when performing core/cavity split operations.

CATIA Training Tubing Diagrams


Setting your gridNote: Use Primary spacing and Graduations. Select Tools + Options - Mechanical Design - Drafting, then click the General tab and key in your desired primary spacing values and the graduations.Snapping to the gridYou can choose to snap to the grid by default or be able to snap to grid by activating the grid icon.
Creating Tubing DiagramYou will become familiar with how to create your diagram. This chapter is split into the following steps:Major Equipment and Nozzles Logical Lines (Tubing Lines) Lines between Major EquipmentInline PartsChoosing Physical PartAnnotating Sheet Connectors

CATIA Generative Dynamic Response Analysis

You will compute a Transient Dynamic Analysis by defining a load excitation on a hood. You will have to compute successively a static analysis, a frequency analysis and to finish, the dynamic response analysis. Restraints are fixed. The modulation will be applied on loadsThis exercise is composed of 3 main steps:Define and compute the static caseDefine and compute the frequency caseDefine and Compute the Transient Dynamic Response AnalysisThe mesh and the modulation file are provided
Load the pre-meshed hoodIn the pre-define Static Case:Apply Restraints using Advanced Restraints toolRestraint the 2 hinge holesMesh part: AllFix every translations (1,2,3) Fix rotation 1 and 3Restraint the front of the hoodMesh part: AllUnder the front hood, select the 2 inner edges of the holes ( see below) Use a User Axis system: Axis System.1Local Orientation: CartesianFix the translation 2 onlyPart used: Transient_dyn_analysis_step1.CATAnalysis

CATIA Training Freestyle Sketch Tracer


Orient both the images perpendicular to each so that they will represent top view and side view in the 3D space of model.Define the size of the sketch. For this, you can use one of the known length parameters. Here Distance between the two wheels is used.Position both images so that they are aligned properly.In this exercise you will import two images of sea car, representing side and top view of the car.

CATIA-Core&Cavity Design

In this step, you will define the Main Pulling direction for the Part. 1. If you have not kept the results of the previous step, open existing Product \MasterExercise\Step2\Product1.CATProduct, make its Part active (double click part in specification tree) and select workbench Core & Cavity Design. 2. Click icon Define pulling direction 3. Click anywhere on the Part in the 3D viewer 4. Move the compass in various directions to see the effect on the result. 5. Change the value of the draft angle to see the effect on the result. 6. Activate option Facets to ignore to see its effect, then turn it off. 7. Activate option Facets display and check the location of the Reflect Line. 8. Click button Reset in dialog box Main Pulling Direction Definition. 9. Click button Locked in dialog box Main Pulling Direction Definition. 10. Click button Local Transfer in dialog box Main Pulling Direction Definition. 11. Select Other as Local Transfer destination. 12. Pick individually the pink, green and red faces located in the undercut area (pocket) at the extremity of the Part. These faces are now displayed in blue.

CATIA V5R17 Course Material Catalog

http://www.cadfamily.com/downinfo/300337.html Ex. 1: Multi-Axis Contouring operation (20min) / All sectorsEx. 2: Flank finishing (5min) / All sectorsEx. 3: Start and End in closed pocket (5min) / All sectorsEx. 4: Joggle management (5min) / All sectorsEx. 5: Thickness on tool path (5min) / All sectorsEx. 6: Curves as part (5min) / All sectorsEx. 7: Local modifications (10min) / All sectorsEx. 8: Non contiguous drives (10min) / All sectorsEx. 9: Non contiguous drives 2 (10min) / All sectorsEx. 10: Non contiguous drives in same plane (10min) / All sectorsEx. 11: Auxilliary guiding (10min) / All sectors

MOLDFLOW Flow Analysis Steps

Number of gatesThe number of gates used is based on the pressure to fill the cavity. In general, the minimum number of gates to fill the cavity is selected.Position of gatesThe position of the gate is determined by the flow balancing principle.Flow patternThe mold should fill with a straight fill pattern with no changes in direction during filling.

Runner DesignThe runner system is designed to achieve the required filling pattern in the cavity.Sequence of AnalysisThe procedure of the mold design always starts with the cavity.

Determine the design criteria for the projectUse previous experience of analystDiscuss the project with all disciplines involved in the projectUse Moldflow Design PrinciplesUse Moldflow Design Rules with the softwareInterpret results and make changes where necessaryDiscuss changes with all disciplines involved in the projectRepeat Moldflow analysis to ensure acceptable results

MOLDFLOW Create Reports


Priority Jobs - Jobs that were submitted with the option Analyze Now! will be displayed under this icon.Batch Queue - Jobs that were submitted with the option Run Batch queue will be displayed under this icon. Jobs that can be run at a later time.Distribution Queue - Jobs submitted to this queue can be utilized from another server, or machines within a distribution pool.
Use all of the features of the Job Manager described in order to schedule jobs where and when you want them to be runLocally or over a network

MOLDFLOW Create Reports


All studies in a project are available for a reportOpen studies automatically selectedUse Add & Remove keys as necessaryMultiple studies can be selected at once using the control and/or shift keys
Report output templateCover pageReport Item detailsScreenshotAnimationTextPosition in reportExtra textRename plotGenerate the report
For each plotBy default the magnification and rotation taken from studyIf study not open rotation is 0 0 0Add text describing the plotChange order of plots if necessaryDouble click on plot name to change the plot nameAdd Text Break, is text without plot

MOLDFLOW Warpage Analysis Process

Model part & moldFillOptimize filling of the partBalance/size feed systemPossible packingCoolingMinimize temp differencesDON T run filling as input to coolFlowOptimize packing if necessary,Use cooling as input to Flow, cooling may have strong influence on packing
3 possible shrinkage models usedBy default the most accurate model will be usedCorrected residual in-mold stress (CRIMS)Uses state-of-the-art theoretical model to predict thermally and pressure induced residual stress.

Prediction accuracy is improved by comparison with experimental data.Requires shrinkage data, most accurate modelPredictions good in trend and magnitudeUncorrected residual stressSimilar to CRIMS but theoretically predicted shrinkages not corrected with measured dataShrinkage data not requiredPredictions good in trendResidual strainShrinkage data requiredGood in trend, generally good in magnitude but not as accurate as CRIMS

MOLDFLOW Determine the Cause of Warpage

Warpage is caused by variations in shrinkage across the part. The principle causes of shrinkage variations are:Differential shrinkageDifferential orientationDifferential coolingFor midplane models, the procedure for determining the cause of warpage depends on whether or not buckling has been predictedFor Fusion models, procedure assumes no buckling
In the process settings of original automatic warpage analysisSet warpage analysis type to BucklingIn solver parameters, check the Isolate cause of warpage optionCreate copy of original study and give it a new name
View the Results Summary for the analysisCheck the single variant sensitivity resultsThe variant with the highest sensitivity factor is the greatest contributor to warpageIn the example below Orientation is the dominant cause of warpage


less headcounttime to market reducedcash flow acceleratedmarket share increasedmarket image improvedmargins improvedcustomer responsiveness improvedsales force effectiveness improvedquality improvedperformance improvedmarket & life of part increased

MOLDFLOW Model Requirements for a Cooling Analysis


Parting PlaneOptionalUsed to define a resistance of heat transfer between two pieces of mold material of the same typeMold BoundaryRecommended, but optionalDefines the outer boundary of mold and space that heat transfer calculations are doneIn-mold labelOptionalDefines metal or polymer thin film that the part fills over, such as a printed film
Cooling errors caused byHigh aspect ratiosVery short beam elements (cooling channels and runners)Beams overlapping trianglesErrors that can occurElements too closeOverlapping elementsErrors can be caused by elements in plane or out of planeModeling and meshing errors can causeConvergence problemsNon-logical temperature distributions (e.g. hot spots)

Can get ??too close?? warnings with elements in plane or out of planeCaused by long average element length and close centroid distancesCooling very sensitive to aspect ratio Must be 6:1 or less to prevent significant aspect ratio problems

MOLDFLOW Course Introduction and Company review

Attendees in ClassNameCompanyPositionUsed flow analysis before Moldflow Others

Hardware usedReason for taking training course
MondayCompany OverviewDesign PrinciplesSynergy Interface ReviewHow to Use HelpA Quick Cool Flow Warp AnalysisFlow Analysis StepsModel Requirements

The MCPD provides effective, manageable, integrated, and extensible learning solutions to anyone, anytime, anywhereAccess to scheduled class info, self-paced materials and web based training Offers self-service capabilities for enrollment and online coursesOffers courses on both Moldflow products and industry related subjects

MOLDFLOW Basic Cooling Modeling

Automatic assignment of default inlet propertiesCoolant type and inlet temperatureCoolant Reynolds number = 10,000Cooling channels are automatically assigned to individual layersLayout preview in Wizard, however, if desired results are not obtained:single Undo action reverses changesWizard remembers previously used settings
Wizard Inputs:Channel diameterDistance from top and bottom of part to cooling channelAlignment of circuits along X or Y axisNote: Cooling channels are created on the XY plane. If you need to, rotate the part before using the Wizard
Wizard Inputs:Number of channelsDistance between channel centersDistance to extend beyond partOptions:Delete existing circuits or appendConnect channels with hoses (no heat transfer)

UniSim Design Simulation Basis Reference Guide

http://www.cadfamily.com/downinfo/300358.html 1.2.2 Selecting Library ComponentsAs mentioned previously, library components are selected from the Components Available in the Component Library group, and placed in the Selected Components group. There are many ways in which you can select components for a component list.

Once you become familiar with the available methods for component selection, you can select the procedure that you find most convenient.The process of adding components from the component library to the Selected Components list can be divided into three sub-processes. By visualizing the process of component selection in this way, you are made aware of all the available possibilities offered by UniSim Design. You can then adopt the most logical and efficient approach to use each time you build a case.

For component addition to the component list, the following methods are recommended:1. Filter the library list.2. Select the desired component(s).3. Transfer the component(s) to the Selected Components list.

UniSim Design Tutorials and Applications


The combined feed stream enters an inlet separator, which removes the free liquids. Overhead gas from the Separator is fed to the gas/gas exchanger, where it is pre-cooled by already refrigerated gas. The cooled gas is then fed to the chiller, where further cooling is accomplished through exchange with evaporating propane (represented by the C3Duty stream).

In the chiller, which will be modeled simply as a Cooler, enough heavier hydrocarbons condense such that the eventual sales gas meets a pipeline dew point specification. The cold stream is then separated in a low-temperature separator (LTS).

The dry, cold gas is fed to the gas/gas exchanger and then to sales, while the condensed liquids are mixed with free liquids from the inlet separator. These liquids are processed in a depropanizer column to produce a low-propane-content bottoms product.

UniSim Design Customization Guide


Title:UniSim Design Customization Guide
Size:4146.37 KBCategory:UNISIM Add Time: 2010/7/29 16:41:41Updated:2010/7/29 16:41:41Grade:Statistics:This day:0 This week:0 This month:0 Total:0About:Automation is the ability to programmatically interact with an application through objects exposed by developers of that application. While UniSim Design was being developed, code was added to expose various objects in the program.

By using an Automation client like Visual Basic, the end user can write the code to access these objects and interact with UniSim Design. The end user does not need to see the UniSim Design source code or even understand what was required to expose the objects. All that is required is the knowledge of those objects that are available.

Automation works in a client/server fashion. A server is something that provides a service that can be used by clients if they know the proper protocols.

UniSim Design is an Automation server application. By writing a little Visual Basic code, it is possible to send and receive information to and from UniSim Design. The exposed objects make it possible to perform nearly any action that is accomplished through the UniSim Design graphical user interface.

UniSim Design Operations Guide


12.12.3 Parameters TabThe Parameters tab allows you to define the entire transfer function G(s), by defining the integrator, delay, lag, lead, and 2nd order transfer functions. The Parameters tab contains the following pages:• Configuration•Integrator•Delay•Lag•Lead•2nd Order•Ramp•Rate Limiter

The last seven pages allow you to define the different transfer function terms. Each of these pages contains the Active Transfer Function group, which consists of a number of checkboxes corresponding to the available components of the Transfer Function. By activating the appropriate checkbox, you can include that term in the overall Transfer Function. When you activate individual functions on the Integrator/Delay/Lag/Lead/2nd Order/Ramp/Rate Limiter pages, the appropriate

UniSim Design User Guide

8.2.22 Defining a Baghouse Filter
1. Add a baghouse filter to your simulation.
2. Click the Design tab, then select the Connections page.
3. In the Inlet drop-down list, select a pre-defined stream or click the space at the top of the list and type the stream name.
4. In the Vapour Outlet drop-down list, select a pre-defined stream or click the space at the top of the list and type the stream name.
5. In the Solid Outlet drop-down list, select a pre-defined stream or click the space at the top of the list and type the stream name.

When all of the attached streams are properly defined, the status bar at the bottom of the property view turns green and displays the message Ok.

If the baghouse filter cannot solve, the status bar is yellow and displays the requirements needed to solve.


CATIA/ENOVIA Digital Mock-Up Fitting Simulator


You will play a ready-to-use fitting simulation.You will create your own fitting simulation with automatic interferences detection.In this exercise you will create and play DMU Fittings Simulation for the Car Suspension assembly.In this exercise you will:
Design Intent ?C Car SuspensionThe Car Suspension assembly consists of the suspension and the wheel assembly. Here you will define simulation for disassembly of the wheel and perform clash analysis during the disassembly of the wheel using the DMU Fitting workbench.

CATIA/ENOVIA Digital Mock-Up Fitting Simulator


You will play a ready-to-use fitting simulation.You will create your own fitting simulation with automatic interferences detection.In this exercise you will create and play DMU Fittings Simulation for the Car Suspension assembly.In this exercise you will:
Design Intent ?C Car SuspensionThe Car Suspension assembly consists of the suspension and the wheel assembly. Here you will define simulation for disassembly of the wheel and perform clash analysis during the disassembly of the wheel using the DMU Fitting workbench.



Click on an element of the fuselage in the 3D. View it using Current Selection 3D panel and then go back in Tree tab having the View related objects option checked. This means select Aircraft.1 and view it in 3D panel.Close the Current Selection panel. Use documents of the end result of Master Exercise Step1 to begin Step 2.
Activate the render style with material :Go to View menu > Render Style > Customize View and check the Materials option if it is not applied.Use all the navigation modes:Examine Mode: Rotate, Pan, ZoomFly Mode: Beginner s, Normal and Advanced Fly mode, turn head

CATIA V5 Expert Mechanical Designer-Surface Design

This Tab Page includes a sensitive Icon dialog box that allows the selection of :
6 : Imposed planes (two groups)Force cutter to machine in this plane (global offset can be applied on each group)
7 : Limiting contourRe-limit machining area after stock and part definition
8 : Center zone orderDefine pocket machining order
9 : Start Point (optional)Impose start point in open area (not in pocket)

CATIA Training V4/V5 Advanced Interoperability

Student Notes:Solids:
Exceptions / RestrictionsPrimitives (always transferred « As Result »)PyramidSweep non-closed / Until a sweepProject« Out of model » solids « As Result »Import primitive (MML solids)Detail/Ditto from a LibraryOperations (complete transfer « As Result »)Draft reflect line with « keep edge » optionDetail-Ditto / Macroprimitive (multi-instances)Body containing the specifications «Copy with link » instancesInactive primitives / Unresolved featuresNot migrated at allCopy/Paste AS RESULT or AS SPEC a V4 document into CATIA V5No Possibility to copy/paste features belonging to different V4 Models (within the CATProduct) in the same transaction.

CATIA Training Real Time Rendering


In this step you will:Create a directional light Position the directional lightDefine the lighting parameters
Create a light sourcePosition the light sourceDefine the light source parametersActivate the shadow generationTune the shadow parameters
Apply a texture to each environment wallUse texture DSP_back.jpeg at the back of the carUse texture DSP_left.jpeg on all other wallsUse texture DSP_top.jpeg on the ceiling
Use texture DSP_bottom.jpeg on the groundDefine a material for each component of the product

CATIA Training Multi-Pocket Machining


This operation provides highly productive global rough to finishmachining strategies for structural prismatic multi-cavity partMPG delivers a process focused solution to machine multi-cavity parts such as mechanical prismatic parts or aerospace structural partsThis breakthrough solution delivers to NC programmers the possibility to machine multi-cavity parts with a mix of roughing and finishing tool pathsThis power machining operation enables to machine the part in a global and automatic way that drastically reduces the programming time

CATIA Prismatic Machine Preparation Assistant


B - Create a Pocketing and rework operation due to a catalog with prismatic machining area.
1. Let the Manufacturing View window open
2. Select Open Catalog icon
3. With browser go to the MPA training data directory EX01-MPA
4. Select Myprocesscatalog.Catalog& Pocketing
5. Select corner_and_ channel process double click on it:
6. Select geometry (Prismatic Machining Area.2) and level in program as follows:
7. Click OK to apply the machining process on the selected geometry
8. Close Catalog and Manufacturing View windows
9. Expand the last branch in the PPR tree
11. Replay both Pocketing and Rework operations

CATIA Training Detail Drafting

Design intent clean up views in the drawing view drawing Renamed Left view to Section view A-A
Added Cut line to Front viewChanged line style of Center lines in the Section viewChanged cross-hatching patternAdded centerline to hole in Front view

Design intent was to clean Car_Jack_Support drawingRename Isometric view to Isometric View 1Reposition Isometric ViewsRemove name under Breakout viewRe-create callout for detail viewChange line style for calloutMove views

GT-SUITE VTDesign User's Manual


Polynomial Function: Dropdown list has three choices: • Cam Shape- The radius of curvature will be calculated directly from the cam shape. • Flat Follower Lift- The radius of curvature will be calculated based on a flat follower lift profile. • Roller Follower Lift- The radius of curvature will be calculated based on a roller follower lift profile. Roller Radius: Radius of the roller follower when Roller Follower Lift is selected. The radius of curvature of the cam shape will be calculated with this information and does not affect any other results.

Input Data This will open the Input Data window, in which numerical values of user constraints for Lift and its derivatives along with the boundary angles can be entered. This feature is also accessible through the "Edit" menu.

Output Data This will open the Output Data window, in which the calculated polynomial coefficients can be found in one folder and the corresponding values of lift, the derivatives and radius of curvature can be found in another. This data can be copied and pasted into other Windows programs such as spreadsheets. This feature is also accessible through the "Edit" menu. For further information about how to interpret the values in the Coefficients folder, please see the "Output Data" section.

GT-SUITE Engine Performance Tutorials


Once all the templates/objects have been selected, the project library should look like the picture above. Maximize your project map so that the template library is no longer visible by clicking the maximize button in the top right corner of the project map window.

1.4 Defining Objects This section of the tutorial will explain how to create all the parts that will be used for the single cylinder engine. The objects will be defined step-by-step from intake side to exhaust side. Once all the objects are created, they will be turned into parts by dragging them into the project map. Before starting to build an engine model, make sure that the map is the active window and select File/Save and save the project.

If you are using a shared installation, copy the entire tutorial directory to some local directory, and save the tutorial 1 model to that directory so that other users do not have conflicts working with the same files. If you plan on creating the SI engine, save the file as 1cylSI. If you are creating the DICI engine, save the file as 1cylDI.

GT-SUITE CFD Coupling Manual and Tutorials

This tutorial has been prepared to assist users of GT-SUITE in performing a coupled simulation with STAR-CD or FLUENT. This tutorial assumes that the user is already familiar with GT-SUITE, GT-ISE, FLUENT, and the STAR-GUIde of PROSTAR. Step-by-step instructions for setting up the coupled simulation are provided in this tutorial.

Some of the instructions and settings presented in tutorial are specific to particular versions of STAR-CD, PROSTAR, and FLUENT. This information should be treated as informative and for tutorial purposes only. For specific STAR-CD or FLUENT instructions, please consult their respective documentation.

GT-SUITE COOL3D Reference Manual


COOL3D is a tool that can be used to build 3D models of underhood thermal management flow systems that can be discretized and made into model files for use with GT-SUITE. It provides the ability to build the model in a 3D environment so that the full details of the model can be included. It also includes sophisticated discretization logic that is able to transform the 3D model into a model file that is compatible with the GT-SUITE software.

COOL3D can be used to build any flow system that contains only blockages, fans, heat additions, and heat exchangers. This manual describes the operations and components available in COOL3D. It is assumed that the user is already familiar with the GT-SUITE software package including GT-ISE and GT-POST. COOL3D will share concepts with both GT-ISE and GT-POST where possible to maintain consistency. It will also incorporate new concepts and methods that are unique to 3D modeling.


GT-Cooling Systems and Thermal Management Tutorials


1.2 Importing Templates into the Project To open the template library, select Window and then Tile with Template Library. On the left side of the screen the template library will be shown. To remove this library, one can simply close the window. To reload the template library, simply select Window and then Tile with Template Library again.

The template library contains all of the available templates that can be used with the selected license. Some of these templates (those that will be needed in this project) need to be copied into the project before they can be used to create objects and parts. For the purpose of this tutorial, click on the icons listed below and drag them from the template library into the project library. To search for a particular template or object, ensure that the left template window (and not the right-side project window) is active and press Ctrl and f simultaneously on the keyboard. This will load the Find window in which you can search for a template or object by name, which is also accessible through Edit and Find Parts, Objects and Templates (Note: If on UNIX, consult the GT-SUITE installation notes for the steps necessary to make the drag and drop feature work correctly.)

GT DOE-POST Reference Manual


In the worksheet matrix section, the Case pull-down determines which case data (Case Setup case) is displayed. The selection choices in this pull-down are determined from the operating point parameter(s) chosen during DOE Setup. The data may be sorted by any of the available columns by clicking on the column header . Each click on the header will toggle between an ascending sort and a descending sort.

The column labeled In/Out determines which DOE experiments will be included in the surface fitting calculations. Any experiment that is unchecked will be left out of the fitting process. This can be useful to eliminate "fliers" or other unwanted data. To select/unselect a large quantity of rows, highlight the desired rows using the mouse (any column) and then right click to with include or exclude data. The CTRL key may be held down during mouse selection to select discontinuous sets of rows.

GT-SUITE Evolution Notes


1.2.1 Solver Changes that Affect Results - Cooling Systems and Thermal Management The following list comprises the most significant code changes made to V7.0 which may impact results.
It is recommended to review the following list to understand which changes may have an impact on a given model, as not each of the changes below will impact all models. Understand also that a combination of changes may affect a model without any way of generalizing what direction results may change.

• 'ValveThermostatMConn' and 'ValveThermostatSConn': The minimum lift opening was changed from 1.0e-5 mm to 1.0e-15 mm. A minimum lift opening of 1.0e-5 mm instead of 0 mm will yield the same results as in V6.2. • 'Valve*Conn' and 'BallValveConn' with Liquid Flow: An improvement was made to the calculation of pressure recovery in valve connections with liquid flows. The change in results increases with increasing pressure drop and is also affected by area ratio (square of effective diameter of valve relative to downstream flow part diameter). The change in results is maximized at area ratios of 0.5 and is 0 at area ratios of 0 and 1. For a given pressure drop the flow rate in V7.0 will be equal to or larger than 6.2.

GT-SUITE Installation Notes


When using X-Windows to display the graphics on another machine's display, both the client and server's GLX version must be at least 1.3 and have the required OpenGL version shown above. The hardware on the machine displaying the graphical image is the one that is important for the speed of updating the image. Network traffic or speed limitations may also affect the frame rate. We do not officially support any third-party X-Windowing software.

However, as a service to our users we have tested the following: Cygwin, Exceed, and Exceed Power Suite 2006. We have found that the base Exceed package does not support GLX 1.3 and does not work with the advanced 3D features. The Exceed 3D add-on which was tested as found in "Exceed Power Suite 2006" does meet the minimum requirements, however it gives ~20% slower frame rates compared to displaying graphics generated locally on the same machine.

The option "GLX 1.3 Support" must be enabled from Start> Exceed Tools> XConfig> Exceed 3D and GLX. Cygwin only has a GLX version of 1.2, so it does not work with most machines. It was found to work with a remote machine with a GLX version of 1.4 (RHEL4.0), but its frame rate is 50% slower than compared to the local machine. Again, the above products are not supported or endorsed.

GT-SUITE Simulink Coupling Tutorials


TUTORIAL 1: Coupling with Simulink The purpose of this tutorial is to show how to create and run a GT-SUITE/Simulink coupled simulation. It is assumed that the reader has basic knowledge of how MATLAB and Simulink operate. A 4-cylinder SI engine model, similar to the one created in Tutorial 4 for GT-POWER, will be controlled through the throttle so that the Brake Torque follows a desired profile.

Although this tutorial focuses on coupling a GT-POWER model with Simulink, the procedure is essentially identical for all other GT-SUITE products. Before going further, the reader is strongly encouraged to read the Advanced Simulation Topics Chapter in the User's Manual in order to ensure that all the installation prerequisites for coupling with Simulink have been met. 1.1 Building the GT-SUITE Model Launch GT-ISE and open the file /tutorials/SimulinkCoupling/01-Simulink/4cylSI-begin.gtm and save it as GTandSimulink.gtm. Drag the 'SensorConn' (including its def object), the 'ActuatorConn' (including its def object) and the 'SimulinkHarness' templates from the Control folder of the template library into the GTandSimulink.gtm file. Create two SensorConn parts on the map near to the EngineCrankTrain using the def object.

Connect from the EngineCrankTrain part to each of the SensorConn parts. For the first SensorConn part, select Avg. Brake Torque from the Output Signal Editor window that is displayed when the connection is made. For the second SensorConn part, select the Crank Angle. Create an ActuatorConn part, using the def object, on the map in line with the throttle. Finally create a SimulinkHarness part with the attributes shown in the following figure. Ensure the check box next to ??Exact Synchronization with Simulink?? is marked; other parameters for the SimulinkHarness can be set to their defaults. The map should now look like the image below.

Introduction to SAP Enterprise portal knowledge


KM platformApplications around unstructured informationPeople-centric collaborationEnterprise content managementOpeframeworkPlugable repository managersPlugable servicesStandard interfaces WebDAV, ICEOpenamespacesPartners/customers cadevelop their owrepostitory managersConnectors to different platformsHTTP, FTP, FILE, WebDAV, LDAPJDBC, IMAP, UDDI
Simple WYSIWYG editingOutput is plaiHTMLMost important formattingfunctions Insert images and linksUsed ifeedback, rating, discussions, personal notesSupported for text input fields iXML forms builderBrowser SupportIE5.5/IE6.0 fully supportedOther browsers will display textfield for editing plaiHTML

Project Management with SAP R/3


Which kind of structuring is used depends on the focus of the project. Objects orientation isoften used, if the main part of the project is a physical object like a power plant. Functionalorganisation is preferred, if many different parts of an organisation or many organisations areinvolved.In practice, all three kinds of structuring are used within one WBS. Project Management can be defined as planning, directing, and controlling resources(people, equipment, material) to meet the technical, cost and time constraints of theproject. 5 The primary reason why projects fail is insufficient effort in the planning phase.
Project Management thus is considered as very important.The SAP Project System enables close and constant monitoring of all aspects of a project byhaving constant access to data in all the departments involved.Project management can be subdivided into project planning, i.e. the task which will beundertaken before the project starts, and project controlling during the implementation of theproject.
Planning must include: organization C service process
C dates costs capacity

SAP BW Certification-A Business Information Warehouse Study Guide


As noted in previous chapters, SAP BW can extract and load data from a variety of sourcesystems including:Non-SAP source systems. Data from non-SAP data sources can be loaded into SAP BW inone of three ways:
1. Flat file source systems (loaded through flat files)
2. External source systems connect to external systems with third-party custom ex-traction tools (using staging BAPIs).
3. External data providers such as NielsenSAP source systems:
1. SAP R/3 source systems (after release 3.1H)
2. SAP BW systems using Myself
3. Other SAP productsNon-SAP Source SystemsNon-SAP source systems include:Flat file source systems (loaded through flat files)External source systems connect to external systems with third-party custom extractiontools (using staging BAPIs).External data providers such as Nielsen

CATIA Training Circuit Board Design


• A Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Assembly is made of a product with Parts:•The first part is divided into Bodies: -The PartBody contains the Board geometry with one pad (main pad) and drilled holes for mounting the board and for the pins of the components -The other bodies contain the Constraint Areas that delimit areas for the components and electrical routing •The second group of parts contains the Electronic Components such as Resistors, Capacitors, switches, connectors, terminators,
You will learn the two methods to design a Printed Circuit Board:Create the PCB geometry in 2 steps:Design a pad with holes in the Part Design workbench.Use the features recognition in the Circuit Board Design workbench.

This method is mainly used when the board is designed by one designer (the mechanical engineer) and then exported to the ECAD software by another one (the electrical engineer).Create the board geometry directly with Circuit Board Design workbench using the same Part Design workbench features.

CATIA Circuit Board Design


A catalog is a file that references many other objects such as parts or subassemblies. It helps find the right object among thousands of alternatives as fast and as easy as possible. It also avoids the redesign of objects that already exist.

A catalog has a tree structure and is organized in chapters and subchapters and can include keywords to classify objects (see example below)
The default catalog created by the Circuit Board Design workbench includes only one chapter called Components. Before storing a CATPart file as an Electrical Component in the catalog, it must first be created with the Circuit Board Design workbench.

CATIA Training Knowledge Expert

Select the corresponding option if you want 1) to load extended language libraries (measure functions mainly)2) the system to load all available libraries3) to select individual packages to be loaded
Select the corresponding option to 1) choose to display or/and save the check report in XML or HTML format. Some of the following options are available only with XML format.2) indicate the path of the XSL style sheet that will be applied to the generated XML report if you want to use your own template.3) customize the report content. Select the information you want to see in the report.4) indicate the output directory where the generated report will be saved.5) specify if you want the report to be opened into CATIA session or in an Internet Explorer session.

CATIA Training Photo Studio


In this step you will:Create a shootingDefine the frameDefine the quality parametersActivate the indirect illuminationDefine the indirect illumination parametersRender the shooting
Create a shootingDefine the frame parametersDefine the quality parametersDefine the indirect illumination parametersPreview your image

CATIA Training V4/V5 Advanced Interoperability


Identify your needsYou do not need to copy a V4 solid As_Spec if you want use the associated CATPart only in downstream applications: Generative Drafting, DMU, etc.

Copying As_Result does not mean that you will not be able to modify the V5 CATPart In case of migration failure :Smart solidsRe-route capabilitiesSolids containing not yet supported features / operationsCATSOE utility (from V4)Mock-up ExactNon-Smart SmartUse V4 commands/CLN/CHKTOP (New 424R1): twisted/overlapping faces, too sharp edges

CATIA-Design Complex Parts


As a general rule when designing in context, the component created within the context of an assembly is unique to the assembly and should not be inserted into another assembly nor moved to another position.

However, if your design requires the component be moved, you must break the external references. This is done by isolating the feature.Identify how to isolate features.Once the feature has been isolated it behaves as a regular independent feature which can be modified normally.

CATIA V5 Fundamentals:Drafting

The case study for this lesson is the Base part used in the Drill Press assembly, shown below. This case study focuses on incorporating the design intent when creating the drawing for the part.
The drawing should be created using an ISO standard.• Standards are predefined formats for dimensions, annotations, and views, which provide a consistent interpretation of information.

The drawing should contain one view that shows hidden lines and axis.• The display of these items in a single view enables a better understanding of the model by showing depth and internal features.The drawing should contain a title block.• This is typically required with any drawing.The base drawing must meet the following design intent requirements:

CATIA V5 Fundamentals Designing in Context


Implications and strategies for designing in this manner are discussed in this lesson.When a new part is created in an assembly, the new part features and sketches can be designed in context.This means that existing components can be used to define the new part.

Student Guide: Lesson 9- Case Study: Designing in ContextIntroduce the case study for the lesson.The chuck is part of the drill support sub-assembly. Locate where the chuck is in the sub-assembly and where the sub-assemlby is in the main assembly.Consider opening the drill press assembly in CATIA and locating the chuck.


CATIA-ELFINI Structural Analysis


In tool tab page:

Select external tool database icon

Select Personal_tools_catalog as tools catalog (check whether Personal_tools_catalog file is copied in intel_a??)

Key 3.5 as nominal diameter for the query

Select the candidate tool (tool number 2401)

In tool change assembly panel: Key a name for the assembly (ex: DrillAssembly) Set the Power value to Fixed (the part is turning not the tool)

CATIA Knowledge Expert


What is Knowledge Expert?Knowledge Expert enables users to define generic rules and checks specifications for classes of objects and store them in a base. These rules and checks can then be used to monitor the actions of every designer in the company.

As geometry is created or changed, the system uses the rules and checks to ensure compliance to corporate standards.When a rule or check is violated, corrective actions can be recommended or automated using VBScript macros, texts or linked to URL files.With KWE, corporate knowledge can be shared throughout the company in rule bases that can be applied to models. Those rule bases are stored in documents that can then be imported.

KWE offers report capabilities in output formats such as HTML, XML or TXT enabling, for example, to publish customized reports of rule and check violations.

CATIA Training Lathe Machining


2.2 - Define the Machine-Tool (4)

Select a Horizontal Lathe machine-tool

Select the LATHE.pptable as Post Processor Words table in the Numerical Control tab page

Click OK 2.3 - Define the Machining Axis System

Click on Reference Machining Axis System icon (5)

Select the origin point in the Machining Axis System panel and select the center point of the stock Select the Z axis in the Machining Axis System panel and key 1, 0, 0 as spindle orientation Select the X axis in the Machining Axis System panel and key 0, 0, -1 as profile orientation

CATIA Training Structure Design Administration

Introducing the PRM Unlike other « Mechanical » Products (e.g. Part Design, Sheetmetal, ) SR1 resources are manage through the project resource management (PRM) file and call for a Project?Cbased notionThe project resource management (PRM) file identifies resources (such as Standard Section catalogs, Thickness table, etc.) to the application.the PRM file identifies each resource and its location (directory path).The PRM file organizes the resources by discipline and application, associating resources to specific applications.A sample file is provided with this application. The default location is ...\intel_a\startup\EquipmentAndSystems\ProjectData and the file is named Project.xml.You need to make a project resource management file for each project at your site.To view the project resource management file (Project.xml) in an internet browser, you need a specific file named Project.dtd. The default location is ...\intel_a\startup\reffiles\disciplinesTo edit the Project.xml file you need a text editor.

CATIA V5 Expert Mechanical Designer-Introduction to CATIA

1. Review the user interface.2. Understand the importance of parent child relationships.3. Understand model organization.Each lesson explains the material in steps. These steps outline how you will create the part or assembly in the case study. Each step contains the information you need to complete the case study and maintain its design intent. It is important to remember that these steps do not have to be used together. They have been brought together for the purposes of the case study. In each lesson try to think of other uses for each step.For Lesson 1, you will go through the following steps to complete the introductory lesson:

CATIA V5 Fundamentals--Drafting


Introduction to Generative DraftingThe 3D environment gives designers a very efficient and flexible tool to create parts and assemblies; however, it is often necessary to convey this information with 2D drawings of the components to communicate manufacturing information.
Student Guide: Lesson 10- General ProcessThe creation of a drawing for parts and assemblies can begin at any time in the design process. CATIA maintains an associative link between a drawing and the parts and assemblies it references. As the 3D part and assembly models evolve, the drawings automatically show the updated geometry.