
Room Temperature Study(Part 1)

In this introductory workshop you will be analyzing the effect of computers and workers on the temperature distribution in an office. In the first stage, the simulation of airflow through the duct will be carried out and then the outlet conditions for the duct will be saved and provided as the profile data for the inlet condition(s) of the room

Duct Simulation: Description

The operating and boundary conditions for the flow are:

-The working fluid is Air

-Fluid Temperature = 294 K

-Inlet: 0.45 kg/s @ 294 K

-Outlet: 0.225 kg/s (per vent)

Starting FLUENT in Workbench

  1. Open the Workbench (Start > Programs > ANSYS 12.0 > ANSYS Workbench)
  2. Drag FLUENT into the project schematic
  3. Change the name to Duct
  4. Double click on Setup
  5. Choose 3D and Double Precision under Options and retain the other default settings

Import Mesh

This starts a new FLUENT session and the first step is to import the mesh that has already been created:

  1. Under the File menu select Import> Mesh
  2. Select the file duct.msh and click OK to import the mesh
  3. After reading the mesh, check the grid using Mesh>Check option or by using Check under Problem Setup>General

Setting up the Models

  1. Select Pressure Based, Steady state solver Problem Setup>General>Solver
  2. Specify Turbulence model

Problem Setup > Models > Viscous

Double click and Select k-omega (2 eqn) under Model and SST under k-omega model and retain the default settings for the other parameters

  1. Make sure that the Energy Equation is disabled

Problem Setup > Models> Energy


Define the materials.

Problem Setup > Materials

  1. Double click on air to open Create/Edit Materials panel
  2. By default, Density and Viscosity of air are set as 1.225 kg/m3 and 1.7894e-05 kg/(m-s) respectively
  3. Retain those values and close the panel

Operating Conditions

Under Problem Setup >Cell Zone Conditions (operating conditions are also in BC panel)

Click on Operating Conditions… and set the Operating Pressure (Pascal) to 101325

Boundary Conditions

Under Problem Setup > Boundary Conditions

  1. Select inlet under Zone and choose Pressure-Inlet from the drop down menu under Type
  2. Now double click on inlet under Zone

Input all the parameters in Momentum tab as shown below

Under Problem Setup > Boundary Conditions

  1. Select vent1 under Zone and choose mass-flow-inlet from the drop down menu under Type
  2. Now double click on vent1 under Zone

Input all the parameters in Momentum tab as shown below

Under Problem Setup > Boundary Conditions

  1. Select vent2 under Zone and choose mass-flow-inlet from the drop down menu under Type and set the conditions similar to that of vent1

NOTE: Under the Direction Specification Method, we may also use Outward Normal condition for both the vents

Solution Methods

Set the Solution methods which decides the Pressure-Velocity coupling.

Under Solution>Solution Methods setup the parameters as shown in the image.


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