
Post processing with FLUENT and CFD-Post Part B

Generating Tables and Charts

Tables and Charts can be created to format and present results


Select Insert > Table or use the toolbar icon to create a new table

3D Viewer will switch over to the Table Viewer

Tables allow you to display data and expressions in a tabular view

Tables are automatically added to the Report

Cells can contain expressions or text

– Begin with “=“ to distinguish

– Expressions are evaluated and updated when variables and/or locations they depend on change

This is not a spreadsheet

– Cannot reference other cells


Plot a relationship between two variables along a line/curve

– Need to create the line first

– Polyline, Boundary Intersection curve, Contour line, etc.

Charts are automatically added to the Report

Chart Points are not necessarily evenly spaced

– Data points usually correspond to where the line/curve intersects a mesh face

Multiple lines can be plotted on a single chart

Charts: Type

Charts can be one of three types:

– XY

Standard XY plots based on line locators

– XY – Transient or Sequence

Plots an expression (usually Time) versus a variable at a point locator

Typically used to show the transient variation of a variable at a point

– Histogram

Can be based on any locator that contains multiple data locations – lines, surfaces, planes, domains (but not points)

Plots a variable divided into discrete bands on the X Axis versus the frequency of occurrence on the Y Axis

Charts: Data Series and Axes

Each data series corresponds to a location (line, point, etc.) which corresponds to a curve on the chart

Use the X and Y Axis tabs to set the variables on the axes

The remaining tab are for various display options




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