
Taylor Impact Test–“What if” Study

Workshop Goal and Procedure


Conduct “what if” study on previous Taylor impact test model by tracking maximum equivalent plastic strain as a function of initial rod velocity.


Duplicate the existing Explicit Dynamics (ANSYS) Analysis System Project

Assign a parameter to the initial velocity condition of the rod

Assign a parameter to the maximum equivalent plastic strain

Run the parameterized system from the Project Schematic

Review the results–Equivalent plastic strain plots are shown below corresponding to the initial velocities indicated above each image:

Abbreviations used in Procedural Steps

As in the preceding workshops, the following abbreviations are used:

-DC = Double Click with Left Mouse Button

-SC = Single Click with Left Mouse Button

-RMB = Right Mouse Button Selection

-D&D = Drag and Drop = Hold Left Mouse Button down on item while dragging it to new location and then release it (i.e., Copy or Move)

Note: Throughout these Workshops, the procedures shown are not always the only way to accomplish the desired tasks, so feel free to investigate the other methods outside of this course. Consult the documentation for additional details.

Step 1–Duplicate the Existing Project System

1.a Start ANSYS Workbench and open the Project taylor_basic.wbpj

1.b Copy the Project to taylor_what_if.wbpj via the Save As icon.

1.c Edit the Setup cell in the new Project System.

1.d Verify that the MKS unit system is still active.

Step 2–Parameterize the Initial Velocity

Step 3–Parameterize the Max Eqv Plastic Strain

This output parameter will be a function of the initial rod velocity, which will be controlled from the Project Schematic. Since it is plastic strain, the final result is sufficient, as the maximum plastic strain that occurs over time will still exist at the end of the run, assuming no erosion occurs.

Step 4 – Modify the Input Parameter

Design Point Table appears at top right of Project Schematic

Step 5–Solve the Design Points

5.a Run the new model configurations via Update All Design Points

5.b Acknowledge the condition of closing some of the editors while the design points are being updated.

5.c After each solution is completed, the output parameter is recorded.

Wait until all of the solutions have finished before proceeding. The maximum equivalent plastic strains are now shown for the three input conditions.



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