
Multizone Meshing for a Block Geometry with Pipes


-This tutorial will illustrate basic use of the Multizone method to create a Hex mesh for a simple geometry with the addition of an inflation layer.

-Source selection for the multizone sweep will be done automatically by the mesher when the mesh is generated.

Importing Geometry

1.Copy the blockandpipes.agdb file from the Tutorial Files folder to your working directory

2.Start Workbench and double-click the Mesh entry in the Component Systems panel

3.Right-click on Geometry in the Mesh entry in the Project Schematic and select Import Geometry/Browse

4.Browse to the block and pipes.agdb file you copied and click Open. Note that the Geometry entry in the Project Schematic now has a green check mark.

Insert Multizone Method

5.Double click the Mesh entry in the Mesh object on the Project Schematic to open ANSYS Meshing

6.Close the Meshing Options Panel at the right without setting anything.

7.Right-click on Mesh and insert a Method. Select the body and set the method to Multizone. Leave the settings as the defaults as shown

Mesh Sizing and Metric

8.Click on Mesh in the Outline

9.Change the Physics Preference to CFD and the Solver Preference to Fluent

10.Expand the Sizing Entry and turn off the Advanced Size Function (it will not be used for Multizone anyway)

11.Set the Element Size to 0.20 [in]. (Note: if the units are set to some other system, click on Units in the Menu Bar and change to U.S. Customary (in, lbm, …)

12.Expand the Statistics entry and set the Mesh Metric to Skewness

Mesh and Mesh Quality

13.Generate the Mesh. Note the Mesh count and Skewness metric

Inflating the Multizone Method

14.Insert Inflation for the Multizone Method. Pick the outer cylindrical faces of the pipes and the 4 side faces of the block as the Boundary. Set the Inflation Option to Total Thickness with a value of 0.20 [in].

15.Generate the mesh.

Multizone Meshing for a Tank Geometry with Piping


-This tutorial will show how to use the Meshing Application in ANSYS 12 to generate a mesh suitable for a CFD simulation of a chemical process flow.

-The geometry, consists of three bodies representing a tank together with a single inlet and outlet pipe.

-The goal is to produce an Hex mesh throughout the domain without any further decomposition of the geometry using the Multizone Method.

Creating a Standalone Meshing System

1.Launch ANSYS 12.0 Workbench from the START menu

2.Open the Component Systems section of the Toolbox on the LHS of the WB GUI.

3.Double click the Mesh option

Importing the Geometry

4.Right click on the Geometry button in the RHS of the WB panel and select Import geometry (the question mark on the button turns to a tick once a geometry file is imported)



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