
2D Mill User Guide

This manual is designed to introduce you to the features of the ProCAM 2D Mill system.
The information and exercises in this manual help you understand the process to generate
tool paths and NC code.
This chapter explains the steps to generate an NC program and shows you how to do a
simple cut around the outside of a part.

This manual is a combination tutorial and reference guide. It is designed to guide you
through the steps to generate an NC program and introduce you to the more advanced
features of 2D Mill. We recommend you read the chapters and do the exercises in the order
they are presented.
The information is organized in sections:
• Modifiers
For some commands, there is more than one way for ProCAM to execute the command.
This section lists and briefly explains the options, called modifiers.
• What You Need to Know
This is a reference section and includes concepts, definitions and operational information
for a specific function. This section is included only for those functions that require
further explanation. You should read these sections before attempting the exercises.
• What You'll Learn
This section contains exercises to help you learn ProCAM functions.

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