
KISSsoft Tutorial-Bolt Analysis in Accordance with VDI 2230

1.1 Starting the software

Once you have installed and activated KISSsoft either as a test or licensed version, follow these steps to call the KISSsoft system. Usually youstart the program by clicking"Start?Program FilesKISSsoft 03-2011?KISSsoft". This opens the following KISSsoft user interface:

Figure 1.1 Starting KISSsoft, initial window

1.2 Selecting a calculation

In the Modules tree window, select the "Modules" tab to call the calculation for bolts:

Figure 1.2 Selecting the "Bolts" calculation module

2 Calculation of a flanged connection

2.1 Task

Size and verify the bolting for a flanged coupling using the following data:

The connection is made using through bolts (notation as specified in VDI 2230:2003 - bolted joint) with nuts, and with washers under the nuts and under the bolt head. Input this data in the "Basic data" tab as follows:

Figure 2.1 Inputting known data, selecting the calculation method

2.2 Proposal for a reasonable bolt diameter

After you have defined the load and input the basic data for the bolt, click the "Sizing button"

in the main window and the program proposes values for a suitable bolt diameter.This proposal is based on a simplified bolt layout as specified in VDI 2230: 2003. This method usually results in over-dimensioned bolts. Experience shows that the minimum permitted bolt diameter is often one or two sizes smaller! Note the message that appears when you click the Sizing button. If you click the Sizing button, the software suggests a bolt diameter that is based on VDI 2230: 2003.

2.3 Defining the nuts and washers

In the "Basic data" tab, you can now input the data for the nuts and washers:

Figure 2.5 Calling the subscreens for defining washers and nuts

Figure 2.6 Defining the nut and washers. (The values for the diameter etc. do not appear until you input the data)

2.4 Defining clamped parts

The "Clamped parts" tab contains all the details about clamped parts. As a flanged connection is being calculated,the software recommends you define the geometry of the clamped parts (flange) as segments of an annulus:

Figure 2.7 Note: define "segments of an annulus" when calculating flange connections



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