
KISSsoft think design interface-How create a new gear in thinkdesign

Run thinkdesign

Run KISSsoft (from windows or thinkdesign)

Load gear calculation file or insert data and run calculation

Set thinkdesign as CAD program for 3D export

Run 3D export

In thinkdesign you’ll find the model

Informations about gear are in text near the model and as file properties, so you can add symbolic text in 2D drawing

How configure thinkdesign add-in

If you don’t see kisssoft menu in thinkdesign, copy these two file from kisssoft\think3 subfolder

to in thinkdesign\autoload subfolder

C:\Program Files\think3\2008.1\thinkdesign\autoload


Because hyperMILL has the same thinkdesign kernel, the think3 KISSsoft interface is running

with hypermill, too.


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