
KISSsoft think design interface-How create a new gear in thinkdesign

Run thinkdesign

Run KISSsoft (from windows or thinkdesign)

Load gear calculation file or insert data and run calculation

Set thinkdesign as CAD program for 3D export

Run 3D export

In thinkdesign you’ll find the model

Informations about gear are in text near the model and as file properties, so you can add symbolic text in 2D drawing

How configure thinkdesign add-in

If you don’t see kisssoft menu in thinkdesign, copy these two file from kisssoft\think3 subfolder

to in thinkdesign\autoload subfolder

C:\Program Files\think3\2008.1\thinkdesign\autoload


Because hyperMILL has the same thinkdesign kernel, the think3 KISSsoft interface is running

with hypermill, too.


KISSsoft Tutorial-Analyzing the Geometry of Worm Gears that have a Globoid Worm Gear


1 Task

1.1 Task

To calculate a worm gear with center distance 100 mm. The worm has 2 teeth, and the worm

gear has 41 teeth. The axial/transverse module is 4. The pressure angle at the normal section

is 20°. The worm's toothing length is 60 mm. You should select a sensible tooth width for the worm gear. The axis tolerance is js7. The worm's tooth thickness deviation in the normal section is between 0 and -0.04 mm. The tooth thickness deviation for the worm gear is between -0.128 and -0.168. The external diameter of the worm is 44 -0.01 mm. The root diameter is 26.4 -0.110 mm. The effective tip clearance is to be 0.8 mm. The root radius factor is 0.2. The inside radius diameter is 134.4 mm. The tolerance for the external diameter of the worm gear is between 0 and -0.01, for the active root diameter it is between - 0.360 and -0.473. The worm is to be manufactured with accuracy grade 6 as specified in DIN 3974. The worm gear is to be manufactured with quality 7. The lead direction is to the right. The worms flank form is ZI.

1.2 Starting the drive element of a worm gear with a globoid worm wheel.

Once you have installed and activated KISSsoft either as a test or licensed version, follow these steps to call the KISSsoft system. Usually you start the program by clicking "Start?Program Files?KISSsoft 03-2011?KISSsoft".This opens the following KISSsoft user interface:

Figure 1.1 Starting KISSsoft, initial window

In the Modules tree window, click the "Modules" tab to call the "Worms with enveloping worm

wheel" calculation:

Figure 1.2 Calling the worm gear calculation.

1.3 Inputting data in the main screen

After you call the analysis for a worm gear with a globoid gear, this input screen appears. In the

"Strength" group, now select " Only geometry calculation" as the calculation method.

Figure 1.3 Input screen for worms

Input values for the axial/transverse module, number of teeth, quality and worm face width in the "Basic data" tab. You must also input the axis distance (1). The subsequent interim value

is calculated because only the lead angle needs to be calculated. To do this, click the "Convert

button" (2) and then click "Calculate" (3) to determine the lead angle. Finally, click Accept (4) to transfer this data to the main screen (see Figure 1.4).

Figure 1.4 Interim state with the Sizing lead angle input screen

Click the "Details" button to call the "Define details of geometry" sub-screen and then select the appropriate flank form ZI. You must also input the inside diameter of the worm gear as 134.4 mm.

Figure 1.5 Interim status with "Define details of geometry" input screen

1.4 Special features of worm gear teeth flank surfaces

The flank surfaces of a worm gear are defined in a different way from those in cylindrical gears.

Figure 1.6 Calling the information graphic to describe wheel rim width b2R and wheel width b2H en

Then click the "Sizing button" to calculate the gear width .

Figure 1.7 Calculated wheel rim width b2R

1.5 Input data for the gear pair

In the "Reference profile" tab, select "Own Input" as the predefined tool profile. Then click the relevant "Convert button" to calculate the addendum and dedendum coefficients for the worm. Then click Accept to transfer the dedendum and addendum coefficient values to the

main screen.

Figure 1.8 Calculating the worm root or tip diameter



KISSsoft interface to CATIA V5- user handbook

1 General description

KISSsoft AG develops calculation programmes in most different areas. The product KISSsoft is

a programme for the calculation, interpretation and optimization of machine elements. For the modul to calculate the gear wheels the company SWMS systems has developed an interface to

CATIA V5. About this interface it is possible to produce in CATIA V5 the gear wheels calculated in KISSsoft.

1.1 Functional description

1.1.1 Product target

Goal of this application is the construction of the gear wheels calculated in KISSsoft in CATIA V5.

1.1.2 Types of gear wheels

The following types of gear wheel are supported by the interface.

? Internal / external Spur Gears

? Internal / external Helical Gears

? Crossed Axes Helical Gears

? Worm Gears

? Bevel Spur Gears

1.2 Prerequisite and integration

1.2.1 User section

The dialog of the interface is aimed at users who are familiar with common windowssoftware as

well as with the software product CATIA V5.

1.2.2 System prequisite

The software is usable on workstations (PC). For the use of the software the following minimal

requirements on the software surroundings are put:

- Windows 2000/XP

- CATIA V5 R14, R15, R16

KISSsoft version which supports the interface and ties (04-2006 =)

The hardware prerequisites suits by the prerequisites for the software CATIA V5.

1.2.3 Extent of supply

- interface

- documentation (in electronic form)

1.2.4 Implementation and connection to other systems

The delivered interface is called upon by KISSsoft for the term and communicates via the Visual

BASIC interface of CATIA with CATIA V5.

1.2.5 Installation

The following section describes the installation of the CATIA interface for KISSsoft

Remark for new KISSsoft version:Use the KISSsoft setup for installing the CATIA-interface.

To the start of the file "Setup.exe" the represented welcoming dialog appears.

You click on to reach the adjusting dialog.

In this dialog the KISSsoft contents directory and the target directory must be selected for the CATIA -- interface.

Click to this on the button next to the title "KISSsoft contents directory" and select the KISS-soft contents directory in the structure tree.

As a target directory for the CATIA -interface the directory "CATIA" will be shown in the KISS-soft contents directory automatically.

Would you like to install the interface in another directory you click next to the title "target directory" for CATIA -interface and select the folder you requested in the directory tree.

Under "further settings" you can set up the option ,so that the interface will be typed in as standard interface in the KISS-soft- configuration file automatic.

Remark: Write authorities are necessary for the installation on the file "Kiss.ini" as well as on the KISSsoft contents directory.

After all settings are done, the installation is started by clicking on the button

figure 3: setup – installation process

After completion of the installation the setting will be finished by clicking on the button .

2 Creating gear wheel

The following section describes the construction of gear wheels in CATIA V5 which are calculated with KISSsoft.

2.1 Preparing KISSsoft

To use the CATIA interface for KISSsoft, at first you start KISSsoft and CATIA V5. Open the needed calculation data in KISSsoft or carry out the desired adjustings in KISSsoft as normal.

You start the module over the menu entry calculations/Tooth form Z5 for the calculation of the tooth form. Gear wheels can be imported in CATIA out of this module.

figure 4: calculation of the tooth form

3 Settings of the tooth form calculation

After the start of the module for the tooth form calculation you run the calculation with the help of

the button calculate. Following you select the settings in the area "representation".

? circular approximation

? tooth form of wheel X


With the help of the button 3D you start the dialog for the import of the gear wheel in CATIA . Make sure before that CATIA is started and ready for entering.

figure 5: tooth form calculation

3.1 Dialog creating of gearing

After the gear wheel import from KISSsoft was started, the following represented dialog opens.

figure 6: dialog creating of gearing



KISSsoft Tutorial-Bevel Gears

1 Starting KISSsoft

1.1 Starting the software

Once you have installed and activated KISSsoft either as a test or licensed version, follow these steps to call the KISSsoft system.Start the program by clicking "Start?Program FilesKISSsoft 03-2011?KISSsoft". This opens the following KISSsoft user interface:

Figure 1.1 Starting KISSsoft, initial window

1.2 Starting the calculation module

Start the "Bevel and hypoid gears" calculation module by double-clicking the corresponding

entry in the "Modules" window in the top left-hand corner of the main window.

Figure 1.2 Selecting the "Bevel and hypoid gears" calculation module from the "Modules" window

2 Introduction

There are various different types of bevel gears, and every design has special features that must be taken into consideration.This tutorial describes these various designs and provides information about how they can be analyzed in the KISSsoft system.

2.1 Differential bevel gears

Differential bevel gears are usually straight toothed. For manufacturing reasons, their construction is usually very different from the theoretical design. Therefore, we recommend you use a different approach to analyze an existing set of bevel gears from a drawing.

The drawings for differential bevel gears often contain very little theoretical data. Usually, the drawing does not show a theoretical external tip diameteror an external reference diameter

Instead it shows the finished external diameter so that the external reference diameter must

be estimated. It is also often not clear whether the module is the middle or external module. However, this can be checked quite easily withThe transverse and normal modules are identical because the gear is straight toothed.

2.2 Calculating geometry in KISSsoft

1. In the "Geometry"→"System data" tab, select the "Standard, fig 2 (Tip, Pitch and Root apex NOT in one point)" option.This type allows you to input tip and root angles (see Figure ).

Figure 2.1 Selecting "Standard, fig 2" type

2. Input "Reference diameter gear 2 (outside)" or "Normal module (in middle)" according to the drawing. If the values are not specified on the drawing, use the graphics on the drawing to determine them.

3. Input the "Pressure angle" and "Number of teeth" in accordance with the drawing.

4. Input the "Facewidth". If the facewidth is not predefined, you must measure it on the drawing. Here, use the reference cone length.

5. Input the "Profile shift coefficient" and "Tooth thickness modification factor"= 0.

6. Before you can input the "Tip and root angle gear 2", you must first run the calculation withor press "F5" to calculate the reference cone angle. Right-click on "Convert" to input the tip and root angle. Then click "Calculate" to calculate the tooth angle and

include this in the calculation (see Figure ).

Figure 2.2 Input and convert tip and root angle

7. You do not need to enter anything under "Manufacturing data" because this data will be ignored

8. Either clickor press "F5" to run the calculation. To generate and open the report, clickor press "F6". You can then compare the results in the report with the default data on the drawing, for example the angle (see Figure ).

Figure 2.3 Bevel gear report, section 1 tooth geometry

2.3 Calculation of static strength

Differential bevel gears are usually calculated with static load because they usually operate in static applications. The static calculation only takes root fracture due to bending into account.

1. In the "Strength"→"System data" tab, select the "Differential, static calculation" calculation method (see Figure )

Figure 2.4 "Differential, static calculation" strength calculation

2. Input performance/torque/rotation data using the default values

3. Differential bevel gears are normally used with several strands. Check and input the "Number of strands" under "Pair data"→"Details". The default value is 2, because this

is the most common situation.

4. Either clickor press "F5" to run the calculation. To generate and open the report, clickor press "F6".

2.4 Inputting an existing set of bevel gears from a Gleason data sheet

To analyze an existing set of bevel gears (with spiral toothing) using drawings or Gleason datasheets ("Gleason dimension sheets"), follow this procedure.

Bevel gear drawings and the Gleason dimension sheet usually contain precise, comprehensive

information about intermeshing. In KISSsoft, use the "Conversion from GLEASON data sheets" function to input this data. The required data is

2.4.1 Calculating the geometry

1. In the "Geometry"?"System data" tab, select the "Constant slot width" or "Modified

slot width" type (see Figure).

Figure 2.5 Selecting "constant slot width" type or "non constant slot width" type

2. Click on "Conversion from GLEASON data sheets" to the right of the type and input the

data (see Figure and Figure ).

Figure 2.6 Conversion from GLEASON data sheets

Figure 2.7 Inputting data from Gleason datasheets





KISSsoft Tutorial-Sizing a Planetary Gear Set for Precision Mechanics

1 Task

To size a planetary gear set with an input torque of 450 Nmm (0.45 Nm) at 10000 rpm. The nominal transmission ratio is 4.25. The required service life is 20,000 hours, with an application factor of KA=1.25.

The package size (external diameter of the gear rim) is 35 mm, including 3 mm material between the root diameter and the external diameter. The gears are made of sintered powdered metal. The module must be greater than 0.5 mm (due to manufacturing requirements). The tooth form must be optimized to make full use of the fact that the gears are not manufactured using the generation process. The calculation method used here is the one specified in AGMA: 210104-D04.

2 Starting KISSsoft

2.1 Starting the software

You can call KISSsoft as soon as the software has been installed and released. Usually you

start the program by clicking "Start?Program Files?KISSsoft03-2011KISSsoft". This opens

the following KISSsoft user interface:

Figure 2.1 KISSsoft main window

2.2 Starting the "Planetary gear" calculation module

In the "Modules tree"window, double-click the "Modules" tab to call the calculation for a "Planetary gear", see Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2 Selecting the "Planetary gear" calculation module from the "Modules" window

2.3 Basic settings

If the AGMA 2101101 method is used for a planetary gear set, it is a good idea to activate the

graphical method for factor Y (as this influences the calculation of root stress). To do this, go to

the "Strength" tab, select "Details" and click the "Pair data" group. Activate the graphical method and define where the force is to be applied. As some of the solutions found during the draft design phase will have geometric errors (which cause KISSsoft to cancel the calculation automatically), we recommend you go to the module specific settings and activate "Allow large profile shift" and "Don't abort when geometry errors occur". This allows the KISSsoft software to continue with a calculation even if an error has occurred. See Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3 "Define details of strength" and "Module specific settings" for this example

2.4 Setting constraints

Go to the "Geometry" tab and input the required number of planets (Figure 2.4). The load distribution coefficient K? increases the load placed on an individual planet. In this case, set it to 1.0.

Figure 2.5 Defining the load distribution coefficient

2.5 Rough sizing

Click [OK] to return to the main dialog. Open Rough sizing and specify the required calculation

method (1) and the material (2). Then input the application factor (3) and the service life (4). Click the radio button next to the Power field to define the load (5), see Figure 2.7.

Figure 2.6 Call the Rough sizing function

Figure 2.7 Setting the materials, calculation method, application factor and required service life

Specifying the load To specify the unit used for torque, click the right-hand mouse button on the appropriate field (Figure 2.8).

Figure 2.8 Specifying the unit for torque

Define the reference gear (1), the calculated value(2) (if the torque and number of rotations have been defined, the performance will be calculated) and input the data for the number of rotations and torque (3) (see Figure 2.9).

Figure 2.9 Specifying the load

Then enter the nominal transmission ratio (6).

Figure 2.10 Rough sizing settings


