
ICEM CFD Introductory Course-Prism Meshing

Inflation layers
To better simulate boundary layer effects
Mesh orthogonal to surface with faces perpendicular to boundary layer flow direction
Set Global Prism Parameters
Select Parts to grow layers from
Typically wall boundaries
Set Local Parameters for each part
Local overrides global
Zero or blank entries will defer to global settings
Run mesher
From existing mesh
Extrude into tetra/hexa mesh
Extrude from surface tri mesh, then fill volumes
Run automatically during Volume Mesh creation
Global Prism Parameters
Growth law
exponential:   height = h(r)(n-1)    [n is layer #]
linear:                 height = h(1+(n-1)(r-1))
Initial height of first layer – h in formulae above
Auto calculated if not specified
Based on factor of edge length of base triangle/quad
Height determined so that top layer volume is slightly less than that of tetra/hex just above it
Number of layers   n
Height ratio   r
Total height  of all layers
Usually specify 3 of the above 4 parameters
Compute params will calculate the remaining parameter (total height usually left blank)
Or specify only Height ratio and Number of layers for auto calculation of initial height
These are the defaults.  Individual surface/curve height/ratio/layers will override these defaults if set
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