
DesignModeler-Pulley Model with Parameters


– Create a 3D model through sketching and extruding

– Add a revolved feature to represent the pulley’s groove

– Add a bolt hole pattern with one sketch that is based on a construction sketch

– Parameterize the model so the pulley size automatically updates the bolt hole pattern. A whole range of pulley sizes could now be simulated!

Start Page setup:

– Double click on Geometry under Component Systems to create a new geometry

– Double click on Geometry in Project Schematic panel to start Design Modeler

– At the prompt, set the length unit to millimeter

Create a sketch on the XYPlane:

In Tree, click on >XYPlane to activate it.

Toolbar “Look At”

  1. [Sketching] > Draw > Circle

Note: selecting the Sketching tab after selecting a plane changes to Sketching mode and automatically creates a new sketch if one does not exist

Create a sketch on the XYPlane (cont’d):

Select origin for center of circle

2. Put the cursor near the global origin. You should see a “P” appear near your cursor, indicating an auto-constraint will be applied. Click once with the left mouse button.

Select an arbitrary point for diameter of circle

3. Click on the screen to define the radius of the circle. The actual value does not matter, as we will dimension this next.

[Sketching] > Dimensions > General

4. RMB and choose Diameter dimensioning, then click on the circle. Click again on the screen to place the dimension.

Details View: Dimensions > D1

5. Click on the text box value next to “D1”. This will highlight the text entry field. Enter “60” for the value of D1. This redefines the diameter as 60 millimeters.

Extrude the circle to create a cylinder

Graphics View: Select Iso View ball

6. Select the light-blue iso-ball on the triad to change to isometric view.

Toolbar: Extrude

7. Select the Extrude icon on the 3D Features Toolbar.

Details View: FD1, Depth (>0)

8. Select the text entry box next to “FD1, Depth (>0)” in the Details View. Enter a value of “10” to extrude the sketch 10 millimeters in the positive z-direction.

Toolbar: Generate

9. Select the Generate icon on the Toolbar to generate the cylinder.

Dimension the 5 sided polygon

[Sketching] > Dimensions > Vertical

  1. Dimensions the polygon as shown at right.
  2. Select the text entry box next to “V2” and enter a value of 20 mm.

Create the holes for the bolt pattern:

Note: XYPlane is still active

Toolbar: “New Sketch” icon (creates Sketch3 on XY plane)

Toolbar: “Look At” icon

[Sketching] > Draw > Circle

  1. Put the cursor near the top vertex until a “P” appears near your cursor, indicating an auto-constraint will be applied. Click to define the center of the circle then drag the cursor to define the circle radius.
  2. Repeat the above step at each of the (5) vertices of the polygon.

IMPORTANT: watch for the “R” to appear next to the cursor before clicking to define each radius. This indicates the new circle is radially constrained to the previous circle.



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