
Aspen Cim-IO User's Guide


Cim-IO Checksum There was an incident where Cim-IO messages seemed to be corrupted. The
tag list in some of the requests were not complete, part of the tagnames were
overwritten by spaces. The problem was caused by a faulty network card.
Cim-IO uses TCP/IP because the delivery and integrity of the packets are
supposed to be guaranteed, yet the problem happened. Cim-IO analyses
messages and checks the integrity of message structures as much as possible
but it could not detect an erroneous tag since, the corruption did not affect
the structure of the message.
An enhancement was made in Cim-IO to include a checksum for each Cim-IO
message. The sender calculates a checksum on the message and includes it in
the message, the receiver extracts the checksum from the message header,
calculates its own checksum on the message it received and compare both
checksums. If the cheksums don??t match, the message is rejected and a
message is logged to the Cim-IO log file.

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